Dont love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you dont have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions.
These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.
Rabu, 25 Desember 2013
Minggu, 22 Desember 2013
Danger to growing Christians (false teachers).. 2Ptr2
The False teachers slandered the spiritual realities they dont understand, taking satans power lightly and claiming to have ability over the world.
A person is a slave to whatever controls him. Many believe that freedom means doing anything we want. But no one is ever completely free in that sense. If we refuse to follow God, we will follow our own sinful desires and become enslaved to what our body wants.
If we submit our lives to Christ, HE will free us from slavery to sin. Christ free us to serve HIM, a freedom that results in our ultimate good.
Selasa, 10 Desember 2013
To Pay back wrongs with a Blessing.. 1Ptr3
In our fallen world, it is often deemed acceptable by some to tear people down verbally or to get back at them if we feel hurt. Peter, remembering Jesus's teaching to turn the other cheek, encourages his readers to pay back wrongs with a blessing, such as praying for the offenders.
In God's Kingdom, revenge is unacceptable behavior, as is insulting a person, no matter how indirectly it is done. Rise above getting back at those who hurt you. Instead of reacting angrily to these people, Pray for them.
In God's Kingdom, revenge is unacceptable behavior, as is insulting a person, no matter how indirectly it is done. Rise above getting back at those who hurt you. Instead of reacting angrily to these people, Pray for them.
Minggu, 08 Desember 2013
How can we know God is real?..1Ptr3
Where is God? Who says the Bible is any better than other holy books? To answer these question, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as living evidence. God also chose Peter and others to show what a difference true faith makes in the real world.
So here the once rash, belligerent, domineering, and arrogant Peter bears witness to a life of harmony, compassion, love and humility. What a difference God makes! You, too, are God witness to skeptical People.
Let your life be evidence of God's truth. Let your pride become humility and your insentivity give way to genuine affection for others.
So here the once rash, belligerent, domineering, and arrogant Peter bears witness to a life of harmony, compassion, love and humility. What a difference God makes! You, too, are God witness to skeptical People.
Let your life be evidence of God's truth. Let your pride become humility and your insentivity give way to genuine affection for others.
Minggu, 01 Desember 2013
Datanglah kerajaanmu, jadilah kehendakku??? Charles Spurgeon
Banyak orang mengenal 'kristus' yang lemah lembut dan rendah, hamba dan juruselamat mereka, tapi mereka tidak mengenal Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Mereka mulai menciptakan 'kristus' palsu.
Kita sama sekali tidak mengasihi Yesus jika Ia bukan Tuhan dan Allah kita. Kasih bagi kristus ini semuanya adalah rengekan keinginan dan kemunafikan, yang mencoba merampok Dia dari ketuhanan-Nya.
Mengasihi Dia, namun meremehkan Dia? Itu tidak masuk akal. Mengikuti kehendak anda sendiri dalam pilihan kepada kehendak-Nya, dan kemudian berbicara tentang kasih bagi-Nya? Menggelikan! Itu hanyalah kasih palsu iblis. Itu berlawanan dengan semua kasih sejati.
Kasih itu setia dan memahkotai Tuhannya dengan ketaatan. Jika anda mengasihi Yesus dengan benar, anda memandang setiap perintah-Nya sebagai sebuah perintah Ilahi. Anda mengasihi Kristus sejati jika anda mengasihi Kristus yang memerintah, juga sebagai Kristus yang menyelamatkan, dan jika anda melihat kepada-Nya untuk menuntun hidup anda dan mengampuni dosa anda.
The Hope of Eternal life.. 1Ptr1
How did God choose us? Dont we make our own choises? God alone originates and accomplishes our salvation because of His grace; we do nothing to earn it. Being chosen in no way removes the necessity gor people to choose to follow.
The fact that God knows all events and decisions beforehand, Doesnt mean that He forces the action of His creatures or leaves them with no choise. Instead, God's foreknowledge means that He took the initiative and chose people before they had done anything to deserve it.
God had intimate knowledge of these future believers; He knew who would believe, and He knew them personally. God isnt trapped in time, what He knows is from eternity past into eternity future. Believers are chosen, but not against their will. When time comes, they eccept the gospel message.
The fact that God knows all events and decisions beforehand, Doesnt mean that He forces the action of His creatures or leaves them with no choise. Instead, God's foreknowledge means that He took the initiative and chose people before they had done anything to deserve it.
God had intimate knowledge of these future believers; He knew who would believe, and He knew them personally. God isnt trapped in time, what He knows is from eternity past into eternity future. Believers are chosen, but not against their will. When time comes, they eccept the gospel message.
Kamis, 28 November 2013
Drawing Close to God.. James4
The cure for evil desires is humility. Pride makes us self centered and leads us to conclude that we deserve all we can see, touch, or imagine. It creates greedy appetites for far more then we need. We can released from our self centered desires by humbling ourselves before God, realizing that all we really need is HIS approval. When the Holy Spirit fills us, we see that this world's seductive attractions are only cheap subtitutes for what God has to offer.
No one can tame the tounge.. James3
Satan uses the tounge to divide people and pit them against one another, idle and hateful words are damaging because they spread destruction quickly. We dare not be careless with what we say, thinking we can apologize later, because even if we do, the scars remain. A few words spoken in anger can destroy a relationship that took years to build.
If no one can tame the tounge, why bother trying? Even though we maynot achieve perfect control of our tounges, the Holy Spirit will help us learn self control, so that when we are offended, the Spirit will remind us of God's love, and we wont react in a hateful manner. When we are criticized, the Spirit will heal the hurt and help us to not lash out.
If no one can tame the tounge, why bother trying? Even though we maynot achieve perfect control of our tounges, the Holy Spirit will help us learn self control, so that when we are offended, the Spirit will remind us of God's love, and we wont react in a hateful manner. When we are criticized, the Spirit will heal the hurt and help us to not lash out.
Rabu, 27 November 2013
Faith without Good Deeds is Dead.. James2
Only God in His mercy can forgive our sin. We cant earn forgiveness by forgiving others. But when we withhold forgiveness from others after having received it ourselves, we show we dont understand or appreciate God's mercy toward us.
When someone claims to have faith, what he may have is intellectual assent (agreement with a set of Christian teaching) and as such it would be incomplete faith. True faith transform our conduct as well as our thoughts. If our life remains unchanged, we dont trully believe the truth we claims to believe.
When someone claims to have faith, what he may have is intellectual assent (agreement with a set of Christian teaching) and as such it would be incomplete faith. True faith transform our conduct as well as our thoughts. If our life remains unchanged, we dont trully believe the truth we claims to believe.
Minggu, 24 November 2013
Listening and Doing.. James1
May all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Accept the Word God has planted in your hearts, for it has power to save your souls. But dont just listen to God's word. You must do what its says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the Word and dont obey, its like glancing at your face in the mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what its says and dont forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.
If you claim tobe religious but dont control your tounge, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
If you claim tobe religious but dont control your tounge, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Selasa, 12 November 2013
Your Strength Comes from God's Grace.. Heb13
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So dont be attracted by strange, new ideas.
Your strength comes from God's grace, not from rules about food, which dont help those who follow them
Your strength comes from God's grace, not from rules about food, which dont help those who follow them
Minggu, 10 November 2013
For our GOD is a devouring fire.. Heb12
There is a big difference between the flame of a candle and a roaring blast of a forest fire. We cant even stand near a raging fire, even with sophiscated firefighting equipment, a debouring fire is often beyong human control.
God isnt within our control either. We cant forced HIM to do anything for us through our prayer. HE cant be contained. Yet, HE is a GOD of compassion. HE has saved us from sin, HE will save us from death. But everything that is worthless and sinfull will be devoured by the fire of HIS wrath. Only what is good, dedicated to GOD, and righteous will remain
God isnt within our control either. We cant forced HIM to do anything for us through our prayer. HE cant be contained. Yet, HE is a GOD of compassion. HE has saved us from sin, HE will save us from death. But everything that is worthless and sinfull will be devoured by the fire of HIS wrath. Only what is good, dedicated to GOD, and righteous will remain
Jumat, 08 November 2013
A better place, a Heavenly homeland.. Heb11
These people of faith died without receiving all that GOD promised, but they never lost their vision of heaven.
Many Christians become frustrated and defeated because their needs, wants, expectations, and demands are not immediately met when they accept Christ as savior. They become impatient and want to quit.
Are you discouraged because the achievement of your goal seems far away? Take courage from these Heroes of faith, Who lived and died without seeing the fruit of their faith on earth and yet continued to believe.
Many Christians become frustrated and defeated because their needs, wants, expectations, and demands are not immediately met when they accept Christ as savior. They become impatient and want to quit.
Are you discouraged because the achievement of your goal seems far away? Take courage from these Heroes of faith, Who lived and died without seeing the fruit of their faith on earth and yet continued to believe.
Selasa, 05 November 2013
A body to offer.. Heb10
God desires obedience and a right heart, not empty compliance with the sacrifice system.
Christ came to offer His body on the cross for us as a sacrifice that is completely acceptable to GOD.
GOD's new and living way for us to please HIM isnt by keeping laws or even by abstaining from sin. It is by coming to HIM in faith to be forgiven, and then following HIM in loving obedience.
Christ came to offer His body on the cross for us as a sacrifice that is completely acceptable to GOD.
GOD's new and living way for us to please HIM isnt by keeping laws or even by abstaining from sin. It is by coming to HIM in faith to be forgiven, and then following HIM in loving obedience.
Minggu, 03 November 2013
Pengharapanku hanya di dalam Tuhan.. Mzm37
Orang fasik merencanakan kejahatan terhadap orang benar dan menggertakkan giginya terhadap dia;
Tuhan menertawakan orang fasik itu, sebab Ia melihat bahwa harinya sudah dekat.
TUHAN mengetahui hari-hari orang yang saleh, dan milik pusaka mereka akan tetap selama-lamanya;
mereka tidak akan mendapat malu pada waktu kecelakaan, dan mereka akan menjadi kenyang pada hari-hari kelaparan.
Sesungguhnya, orang-orang fasik akan binasa; musuh TUHAN seperti keindahan padang rumput: mereka habis lenyap, habis lenyap bagaikan asap.
Orang fasik meminjam dan tidak membayar kembali, tetapi orang benar adalah pengasih dan pemurah.
Sesungguhnya, orang-orang yang diberkati-Nya akan mewarisi negeri, tetapi orang-orang yang dikutuki-Nya akan dilenyapkan.
TUHAN menetapkan langkah-langkah orang yang hidupnya berkenan kepada-Nya;
apabila ia jatuh, tidaklah sampai tergeletak, sebab TUHAN menopang tangannya.
Dahulu aku muda, sekarang telah menjadi tua, tetapi tidak pernah kulihat orang benar ditinggalkan, atau anak cucunya meminta-minta roti;
tiap hari ia menaruh belas kasihan dan memberi pinjaman, dan anak cucunya menjadi berkat.
Senin, 28 Oktober 2013
For my Salvation comes from the LORD alone.. Jonah2
Jonah Prayer of thanksgiving, not a prayer for deliverance, Jonah simply thankful that he had not drowned, Jonah said "as my life was slipping away, i remembered the LORD",..
Often we act the same way. When life is going well, we tend to take GOD for granted; but when we lose hope, we cry out to HIM. This kind of relationship with GOD can result only in an inconsistent, up and down spiritual life.
A consistent, daily commitment to GOD promotes a solid relationship with HIM. Look to GOD during both the good and bad times, and you will have a stronger life.
Often we act the same way. When life is going well, we tend to take GOD for granted; but when we lose hope, we cry out to HIM. This kind of relationship with GOD can result only in an inconsistent, up and down spiritual life.
A consistent, daily commitment to GOD promotes a solid relationship with HIM. Look to GOD during both the good and bad times, and you will have a stronger life.
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013
Tempted to fall back into legalism.. Heb1
Jesus was GOD's agent in creating world: "for through Him, GOD created everything" (Col1). As followers of Christ, we may easy assent to this truth but deny it in practice.
We may believe that Christ knows & controls the law of heaven (pertaining to salvation & spiritual growth), but we may act each day as though our financial, family, or medical problems are beyond His reach.
If Jesus could create the universe, then no part of life is out of His control.
Talk to HIM in prayer and listen to HIM in HIS word. He can sustain you in times of stress. From that perspective you can evaluate all the other wisdom and help made avaible to you.
Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
Light to My Soul.. Tit1
Some people see good all around them, while others see nothing but evil. What is the difference?
Our souls become filters through which we perceive goodness or evil. The pure (those who have Christ in control of their lives) learn to see goodness and purity even in this evil world. But the corrupt and unbelieving people find evil in everything because their evil minds and hearts color even the good they see and hear.
whatever you choose to fill your mind with will affect the way you think and act. Turn your thoughts to GOD and HIS WORD, and you will discover mo and more goodness, even this evil world.
A mind filled with good has a little room for what is evil.
Our souls become filters through which we perceive goodness or evil. The pure (those who have Christ in control of their lives) learn to see goodness and purity even in this evil world. But the corrupt and unbelieving people find evil in everything because their evil minds and hearts color even the good they see and hear.
whatever you choose to fill your mind with will affect the way you think and act. Turn your thoughts to GOD and HIS WORD, and you will discover mo and more goodness, even this evil world.
A mind filled with good has a little room for what is evil.
Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013
Sola Fide.. Tit1
The good news of salvation is that we cant be saved by living a good life; we are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ. But the Gospel transforms peoples lives, so that they eventually perform good deeds.
Our service wont save us, but we are saved to serve GOD.
A good life is a witness ti the Gospels power. As Christian, we must have commitment and discipline to serve.
Are you putting your faith into action by serving others?
Our service wont save us, but we are saved to serve GOD.
A good life is a witness ti the Gospels power. As Christian, we must have commitment and discipline to serve.
Are you putting your faith into action by serving others?
Minggu, 29 September 2013
Keep clear mind and seek Gods Word for the truth.. 2Tim4
Many speakers, teacher and writers talk about the pursuit of knowledge. But often they dont want knowledge, they want power. Such people wont listen to sound and wholesome teaching. Instead they reject the truth and chase after myths.
You can see everywhere from liberal churches to university campuses. People claiming to have a bit enlightenment than what the dusty bible has to say: people claiming to improve on Gods words.
Such theacers have a following because they are telling people whatever their itching ear want to hear.
You can see everywhere from liberal churches to university campuses. People claiming to have a bit enlightenment than what the dusty bible has to say: people claiming to improve on Gods words.
Such theacers have a following because they are telling people whatever their itching ear want to hear.
Kamis, 26 September 2013
Why is it so tempting to "Love pleasure rather than God"?.. 2Tim3
Pleasure is something we can control; God cannot be controlled.
Most pleasure can be obtained easily; love for God requires effort and sometimes sacrifice.
Pleasure benefits us now; the benefits of loving God are often in the future.
Pleasure has a narcotic effect--it takes our minds off ourselves and our problems; love for God reminds us off our needs and our responsibilities.
Pleasure cooperates with pride--it makes us feel good when we look good in the eyes of others; to love God we must lay aside our pride and our accomplishments.
Have you chosen to love pleasure, or to love God?
How do you know?
Most pleasure can be obtained easily; love for God requires effort and sometimes sacrifice.
Pleasure benefits us now; the benefits of loving God are often in the future.
Pleasure has a narcotic effect--it takes our minds off ourselves and our problems; love for God reminds us off our needs and our responsibilities.
Pleasure cooperates with pride--it makes us feel good when we look good in the eyes of others; to love God we must lay aside our pride and our accomplishments.
Have you chosen to love pleasure, or to love God?
How do you know?
Rabu, 25 September 2013
Menderita juga panggilan Allah.. 2Tim1
Sebab Allah memberikan kepada kita bukan roh ketakutan, melainkan roh yang membangkitkan kekuatan, kasih dan ketertiban.
Jadi janganlah malu bersaksi tentang Tuhan kita dan janganlah malu karena aku, seorang hukuman karena Dia, melainkan ikutlah menderita bagi Injil-Nya oleh kekuatan Allah.
Dialah yang menyelamatkan kita dan memanggil kita dengan panggilan kudus, bukan berdasarkan perbuatan kita, melainkan berdasarkan maksud dan kasih karunia-Nya sendiri, yang telah dikaruniakan kepada kita dalam Kristus Yesus sebelum permulaan zaman
Selasa, 24 September 2013
Kebaktian Pembaruan Iman Nasional .. PDT. DR. Stephen Tong
UmatKU binasa karena kurang pengenalan akan AKU
Hadirilah Kebaktian Pembaruan Iman pada hari Sabtu, 23 November 2013, Pukul 18.00 WIB, GOR Tri Lomba Juang (Mugas-Semarang)
Kamis, 19 September 2013
Heritage.. 1Tim5
Healthy homes remain the best possible training enviroment for children. When in comes to caring for relatives and honoring parents, children take most of their cues by watching how mom and dad honor their grandparents, if our children see the way we, as parents, care for our parents, they will understand the importance of such honor for us in the future.
Healthy, practical honor become a priceless gift that one generation gives to another. Disrespect and lack care provide harmfull examples that will eventually turn on us.
Healthy, practical honor become a priceless gift that one generation gives to another. Disrespect and lack care provide harmfull examples that will eventually turn on us.
Jumat, 13 September 2013
Ahli waris bersama Kristus.. S. Bundi
Milik pusaka anda yang sejati datang dari Allah, sebab anda anak Allah, dan ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan uang! dan inilah kebenaran itu--tidak peduli bagaimana situasi anda, suasana hati, atau rekening bank anda, anda mempunyai seorang Bapa yang mengasihi anda. Kemarin, hari ini dan besok, anda adalah milik Allah. Anda tidak diselamatkan untuk menjadi seorang hamba yang takut, tetapi anda menerima Roh anak.
Yesus berkata "Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir dan berkata: "apakah yang akan kami makan? apakah yang akan kami minum? apakah yang akan kami pakai?" semua itu dicari bangsa-bangsa yang tidak mengenal Allah. Akan tetapi Bapamu yang di sorga tahu, bahwa kamu memerlukan semuanya itu. tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semua itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu"
Apabila anda tahu bahwa anda adalah ahli waris bersama Kristus, anda bisa hidup tanpa ketakutan akan masa depan dan tidak perlu merengkuh dan menimbun sebanyak mungkin harta dunia. Alih-alih hidup dengan egois, anda bisa merasa cukup dan tenteram dalam pelukan kasih Bapa.
Dan apa yang DIA tuntut dari anda? tanggungjawab anda adalah melihat berapa banyak anda telah diberi dan bersedia memberi kepada orang lain. anda juga mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk mengelola harta anda dalam cara yang mencerminkan kebaikan Allah.
Yesus berkata "Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir dan berkata: "apakah yang akan kami makan? apakah yang akan kami minum? apakah yang akan kami pakai?" semua itu dicari bangsa-bangsa yang tidak mengenal Allah. Akan tetapi Bapamu yang di sorga tahu, bahwa kamu memerlukan semuanya itu. tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semua itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu"
Apabila anda tahu bahwa anda adalah ahli waris bersama Kristus, anda bisa hidup tanpa ketakutan akan masa depan dan tidak perlu merengkuh dan menimbun sebanyak mungkin harta dunia. Alih-alih hidup dengan egois, anda bisa merasa cukup dan tenteram dalam pelukan kasih Bapa.
Dan apa yang DIA tuntut dari anda? tanggungjawab anda adalah melihat berapa banyak anda telah diberi dan bersedia memberi kepada orang lain. anda juga mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk mengelola harta anda dalam cara yang mencerminkan kebaikan Allah.
Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013
Mitra kerja Allah.. Mzm82
Kelemahan "cocok" dalam rancangan agung Allah bagi umat-NYA, DIA memperbolehkan kerusakan kromosom demi tujuan-NYA & mengijinkan cacat terjadi sebagai bagian dari rencana-NYA yang mulia. Tidak heran jika DIA bertentangan pendapat dengan para sosiolog, para ilmuwan biomedis dan para filsuf yang mengabarkan eugenika. DIA berfirman dalam Zak2 "siapa yang menjamah (yang tertindas), berarti menjamah biji mata-KU--sesungguhnya AKU akan menggerakkan tanganKu terhadap mereka."
Mengenai mereka (pakar sosial), Mzm10 mendeskripsikan sebagai berikut:"karena congkak orang fasik giat memburu orang yang tertindas ; mereka terjebak dalam tipu daya yang mereka rancangkan."
Dapatkah anda melihat bahwa Allah adalah pejuang pembela orang-orang yang telah masyarakat dianggap "tidak cocok/ tidak layak" untuk hidup (Ul10). Mzm9 menulis "bermazmurlah bagi Tuhan.. Sebab DIA membalas penumpahan darah, ingat kepada orang yang tertindas; teriak mereka tidaklah dilupakanNYA."
Dari pihakNYA, Allah melakukan segala sesuatu untuk mendukung kesakralan dari semua nyawa manusia. DIA melakukan segala upaya untuk mengalahkan orang' yang berupaya menggugurkan kandungan, melakukan eutanasia, mengklon, mengubah manusia. Allah bekerja untuk meringankan beban para lansia, orang-orang lemah / cacat. DIA bekerja keras untuk meringankan kesulitan mereka, melindungi hak-hak mereka, menjaga hidup dan memelihara martabat mereka.
Allah bekerja tanpa henti untuk menghentikan tangan orang fasik. Namun DIA mewajibkan umatNYA bermitra dengan DIA.
Mengenai mereka (pakar sosial), Mzm10 mendeskripsikan sebagai berikut:"karena congkak orang fasik giat memburu orang yang tertindas ; mereka terjebak dalam tipu daya yang mereka rancangkan."
Dapatkah anda melihat bahwa Allah adalah pejuang pembela orang-orang yang telah masyarakat dianggap "tidak cocok/ tidak layak" untuk hidup (Ul10). Mzm9 menulis "bermazmurlah bagi Tuhan.. Sebab DIA membalas penumpahan darah, ingat kepada orang yang tertindas; teriak mereka tidaklah dilupakanNYA."
Dari pihakNYA, Allah melakukan segala sesuatu untuk mendukung kesakralan dari semua nyawa manusia. DIA melakukan segala upaya untuk mengalahkan orang' yang berupaya menggugurkan kandungan, melakukan eutanasia, mengklon, mengubah manusia. Allah bekerja untuk meringankan beban para lansia, orang-orang lemah / cacat. DIA bekerja keras untuk meringankan kesulitan mereka, melindungi hak-hak mereka, menjaga hidup dan memelihara martabat mereka.
Allah bekerja tanpa henti untuk menghentikan tangan orang fasik. Namun DIA mewajibkan umatNYA bermitra dengan DIA.
Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013
Martabat Setiap Manusia.. S. Hubach (Mat25)
Artikel perenungan akan Gambar Allah;
1. Bagaimana manusia menyandang gambar Allah adalah misterius--karena Allah sendiri misterius. Gambar Allah, yang kita sandang, tidak mudah dipahami karena Allah berada di luar kemampuan kita untuk memahami.
2. Kita dapat mengenali gambar Allah apabila kita berfokus pada kebaikan, keindahan dan kebenaran yang kita lihat dalam diri masing', tidak jadi soal apa pun kepercayaan kita.
3. Karena Kristus adalah Gambar Allah kita juga mengakui bahwa DIA layak atas penghormatan tertinggi dalam kehidupan semua orang yang mencerminkan DIA, tanpa memandang apakah orang itu terlalu muda, tua atau cacat.
4. Kita juga melihat gambar Allah direfleksikan dalam hubungan antar sesama. "hubungan dan ketergantungan pada masing' di antara pria dan wanita dalam masyarakat.. Dan khususnya dalam gereja, menyingkapkan prespektif yang lebih luas dari gambar Allah daripada jika kita menyandang gambar Allah dalam kesendirian"
Entah Allah menjadikan kita dengan gen' yang membuat hidup menjadi mudah, atau dengan gen' yang membuat hidup menjadi sulit, ini bukan inti masalahnya. Demensia pada seorang lansia maupun cacat pada seorang muda--tugas kita adalah memperlakukan setiap manusia sebagai seorang yang layak atas martabat yang Allah karuniakan pada setiap orang dari kita.
Inilah kata' Robin yang mengharukan, "saya hanya ingin diperlakukan sama seperti orang lain. Saya ingin orang' mengetahui bahwa saya seorang pribadi yang nyata.". Itulah yang dilakukan teman' dan keluarga Robin
1. Bagaimana manusia menyandang gambar Allah adalah misterius--karena Allah sendiri misterius. Gambar Allah, yang kita sandang, tidak mudah dipahami karena Allah berada di luar kemampuan kita untuk memahami.
2. Kita dapat mengenali gambar Allah apabila kita berfokus pada kebaikan, keindahan dan kebenaran yang kita lihat dalam diri masing', tidak jadi soal apa pun kepercayaan kita.
3. Karena Kristus adalah Gambar Allah kita juga mengakui bahwa DIA layak atas penghormatan tertinggi dalam kehidupan semua orang yang mencerminkan DIA, tanpa memandang apakah orang itu terlalu muda, tua atau cacat.
4. Kita juga melihat gambar Allah direfleksikan dalam hubungan antar sesama. "hubungan dan ketergantungan pada masing' di antara pria dan wanita dalam masyarakat.. Dan khususnya dalam gereja, menyingkapkan prespektif yang lebih luas dari gambar Allah daripada jika kita menyandang gambar Allah dalam kesendirian"
Entah Allah menjadikan kita dengan gen' yang membuat hidup menjadi mudah, atau dengan gen' yang membuat hidup menjadi sulit, ini bukan inti masalahnya. Demensia pada seorang lansia maupun cacat pada seorang muda--tugas kita adalah memperlakukan setiap manusia sebagai seorang yang layak atas martabat yang Allah karuniakan pada setiap orang dari kita.
Inilah kata' Robin yang mengharukan, "saya hanya ingin diperlakukan sama seperti orang lain. Saya ingin orang' mengetahui bahwa saya seorang pribadi yang nyata.". Itulah yang dilakukan teman' dan keluarga Robin
Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013
Esensi Kemanusiaan.. Joni E. Tada
Kolumnis Dr. Peter H. Gott menulis artikel bertema "korban penyakit alzheimer", sebuah paragrafnya tertulis, "(alzheimer) kesudahannya berakhir dalam tragedi: kebingungan total, kehilangan pertimbangan, ketidakmampuan mengenali orang' yang dikasihi, perilaku garang, dan kegagalan melaksanakan tugas' dan kegiatan' rutin setiap harinya.. Dalam makna paling harafiah, pasien alzhaimer dalam tahap lanjut telah kehilangan semua kualitas yang menjadikannya seorang manusia."
Stephanie bertanya berapa banyak pembaca yang akan menangkap baris terakhir itu. Dr. Gott telah merendahkan esensi kemanusiaan ke dalam suatu formula yang sederhana: "jika anda bisa memusatkan perhatian, mempunyai pertimbangan yang baik, mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan keluarga anda, bisa bekerja sama, menyelesaikan tugas' anda dan merawat diri sendiri--maka anda seorang manusia. Jika anda tidak bisa--maka anda bukan seorang manusia. Berapa banyak remaja normal yang anda kenal yang bisa memenuhi persyaratan diatas itu?
Artikel Dr. Gott ini mengungkapkan sinisme yang semakin besar dalam masyarakat kita: orang' diperlakukan sebagai benda, bukan sebagai manusia dengan nilai intrinsik. Kita tidak "memiliki" nilai karena masyarakat tidak lagi percaya bahwa kita "diciptakan" atau "dijadikan menurut gambar Allah". Sebaliknya, kemanusiaan kita dibentuk oleh nilai' subjektif (bukan objektif), seperti kenyamanan seseorang atau kemudahan bagi orang lain, atau kemampuan untuk bekerja atau berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. Nilai' ini memberi bentuk pada etika kualitas kehidupan. Etika seperti ini menyanjung kuat dan meminimalkan nilai kehidupan dari yang lemah atau rapuh.
Ini menimbulkan pertanyaan: apa yang memberi nilai pada kehidupan manusia? Allah telah menaruh sesuatu dari diri-NYA sendiri di dalam manusia--sesuatu yang memiliki signifikansi fundamental, yang membedakan manusia dari ciptaan lainnya. Para teolog menyebutnya Imago Dei atau "gambar Allah" dalam manusia. Manusia menyandang tanda cap dari Penciptanya. Allah menjadikan kita menurut gambar-NYA, lemah atau kuat. Kita mencerminkan DIA dalam cara yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh ciptaan lainnya.
Stephanie bertanya berapa banyak pembaca yang akan menangkap baris terakhir itu. Dr. Gott telah merendahkan esensi kemanusiaan ke dalam suatu formula yang sederhana: "jika anda bisa memusatkan perhatian, mempunyai pertimbangan yang baik, mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan keluarga anda, bisa bekerja sama, menyelesaikan tugas' anda dan merawat diri sendiri--maka anda seorang manusia. Jika anda tidak bisa--maka anda bukan seorang manusia. Berapa banyak remaja normal yang anda kenal yang bisa memenuhi persyaratan diatas itu?
Artikel Dr. Gott ini mengungkapkan sinisme yang semakin besar dalam masyarakat kita: orang' diperlakukan sebagai benda, bukan sebagai manusia dengan nilai intrinsik. Kita tidak "memiliki" nilai karena masyarakat tidak lagi percaya bahwa kita "diciptakan" atau "dijadikan menurut gambar Allah". Sebaliknya, kemanusiaan kita dibentuk oleh nilai' subjektif (bukan objektif), seperti kenyamanan seseorang atau kemudahan bagi orang lain, atau kemampuan untuk bekerja atau berhubungan baik dengan orang lain. Nilai' ini memberi bentuk pada etika kualitas kehidupan. Etika seperti ini menyanjung kuat dan meminimalkan nilai kehidupan dari yang lemah atau rapuh.
Ini menimbulkan pertanyaan: apa yang memberi nilai pada kehidupan manusia? Allah telah menaruh sesuatu dari diri-NYA sendiri di dalam manusia--sesuatu yang memiliki signifikansi fundamental, yang membedakan manusia dari ciptaan lainnya. Para teolog menyebutnya Imago Dei atau "gambar Allah" dalam manusia. Manusia menyandang tanda cap dari Penciptanya. Allah menjadikan kita menurut gambar-NYA, lemah atau kuat. Kita mencerminkan DIA dalam cara yang tidak dapat dilakukan oleh ciptaan lainnya.
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013
Never get tired of doing good.. 2The3
Some people in the Thessalonian Church were falsely teaching that because Christ would return any day, people should set aside their responsibilities, quit work, dont future planning.
But their lack of activity only led them into sin (like gossiping, etc.). They became a burden to the Church which was supporting them, they wasted time that could have been used for helping others, and they became meddlers. These Church members may have thought that they were being more spiritual by not working.
Being ready for Christ means obeying HIM in every area of life. Because we know that Christ is coming, we must live in such way that our faith and our daily practice will please HIM when HE arrives.
But their lack of activity only led them into sin (like gossiping, etc.). They became a burden to the Church which was supporting them, they wasted time that could have been used for helping others, and they became meddlers. These Church members may have thought that they were being more spiritual by not working.
Being ready for Christ means obeying HIM in every area of life. Because we know that Christ is coming, we must live in such way that our faith and our daily practice will please HIM when HE arrives.
Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013
Nasihat Paulus.. 1The5
Perhatikanlah, supaya jangan ada orang yang membalas jahat dengan jahat, tetapi usahakanlah senantiasa yang baik, terhadap kamu masing-masing dan terhadap semua orang.
Bersukacitalah senantiasa.
Tetaplah berdoa.
Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu.
Janganlah padamkan Roh,
dan janganlah anggap rendah nubuat-nubuat.
Ujilah segala sesuatu dan peganglah yang baik.
Jauhkanlah dirimu dari segala jenis kejahatan.
Semoga Allah damai sejahtera menguduskan kamu seluruhnya dan semoga roh, jiwa dan tubuhmu terpelihara sempurna dengan tak bercacat pada kedatangan Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kita.
Ia yang memanggil kamu adalah setia, Ia juga akan menggenapinya.
Saudara-saudara, doakanlah kami.
Sampaikanlah salam kami kepada semua saudara dengan cium yang kudus.
Demi nama Tuhan aku minta dengan sangat kepadamu, supaya surat ini dibacakan kepada semua saudara.
Kasih karunia Yesus Kristus, Tuhan kita, menyertai kamu!
Work for Christ.. 1The5
It is good that we dont know exactly when Christ will return. If we knew the precise date, we might be tempted to be lazy in our work fo Christ. Worse yet, we might plan to keep sinning and then turn to God at the end.
Heaven isnt our only goal, we have work to do here. Christian must keep on doing God's work until death or until we see the unmistakable return of our Savior
Heaven isnt our only goal, we have work to do here. Christian must keep on doing God's work until death or until we see the unmistakable return of our Savior
Senin, 05 Agustus 2013
Reformed21 Channel...
Apa yang manusia cari di agama? Aman, tentram, berkat, kaya, sehat...
BUKAN ALLAH! Alkitab mencatat bahwa tidak ada yang mencari Allah, seorang pun tidak.
Puji Tuhan karena DIA tahu yang terbaik dan akan memberikan pada kita apa yang kita perlu, pada waktu yang tepat.
IA adalah Allah yang mencari dan menebus kita yang berdosa!
BUKAN ALLAH! Alkitab mencatat bahwa tidak ada yang mencari Allah, seorang pun tidak.
Puji Tuhan karena DIA tahu yang terbaik dan akan memberikan pada kita apa yang kita perlu, pada waktu yang tepat.
IA adalah Allah yang mencari dan menebus kita yang berdosa!
Let Your Faith be Grow and Overflow.. 1The3
Some think that troubles are always caused by sin / lack of faith. Trials may be a part of God's plan for believers. Experiencing problems & persecutions can build character (Jam1), perseverance (Rom5), & sensitivity toward others who also face trouble (2Cor1). Problem are unavoidable for God's people. Your troubles may be sign of effective Chistian living.
Some people turn to God with the hope of escaping suffering on earth. But God doesnt promise that. Instead, HE gives us power to grow through our sufferings. The Christian life involves obedience to Christ despite temtations & hardships.
Some people turn to God with the hope of escaping suffering on earth. But God doesnt promise that. Instead, HE gives us power to grow through our sufferings. The Christian life involves obedience to Christ despite temtations & hardships.
Janji Iman.. Mzm30
Sebab sesaat saja Ia murka, tetapi seumur hidup Ia murah hati; sepanjang malam ada tangisan, menjelang pagi terdengar sorak-sorai...
Kepada-Mu, ya TUHAN, aku berseru, dan kepada Tuhanku aku memohon:
"Apakah untungnya kalau darahku tertumpah, kalau aku turun ke dalam lobang kubur? Dapatkah debu bersyukur kepada-Mu dan memberitakan kesetiaan-Mu?
Dengarlah, TUHAN, dan kasihanilah aku, TUHAN, jadilah penolongku!"
Aku yang meratap telah Kauubah menjadi orang yang menari-nari, kain kabungku telah Kaubuka, pinggangku Kauikat dengan sukacita,
supaya jiwaku menyanyikan mazmur bagi-Mu dan jangan berdiam diri. TUHAN, Allahku, untuk selama-lamanya aku mau menyanyikan syukur bagi-Mu.
Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013
Why me? Why not me? .. 1The1
The message of salvation, though welcomed with great joy, brought the Thessalonians severe suffering because it led to persecution.
Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, "why me?" they feel as though God deserted them, or perhaps they accuse him of not being as dependable as they thought he should be.
God allows some Christian to become martyrs for the faith, & HE allows others to survive persecution. Rather than asking, "why me?" we should ask, "why not me?" our faith & the values of this world are on a collision course .
If we expect pain & suffering to come, we wont be shocked when they occur. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus also suffered. HE understands our fears, our weaknesses, and our disappointments.
HE promised never to leaves us, and HE intercedes on our behalf. In times of pain, persecution, or suffering, trust confidently in Christ.
Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, "why me?" they feel as though God deserted them, or perhaps they accuse him of not being as dependable as they thought he should be.
God allows some Christian to become martyrs for the faith, & HE allows others to survive persecution. Rather than asking, "why me?" we should ask, "why not me?" our faith & the values of this world are on a collision course .
If we expect pain & suffering to come, we wont be shocked when they occur. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus also suffered. HE understands our fears, our weaknesses, and our disappointments.
HE promised never to leaves us, and HE intercedes on our behalf. In times of pain, persecution, or suffering, trust confidently in Christ.
Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013
Ingatlah akan belenggu ku.. Kol4
Hai tuan-tuan, berlakulah adil dan jujur terhadap hambamu; ingatlah, kamu juga mempunyai tuan di sorga.
Bertekunlah dalam doa dan dalam pada itu berjaga-jagalah sambil mengucap syukur.
Berdoa jugalah untuk kami, supaya Allah membuka pintu untuk pemberitaan kami, sehingga kami dapat berbicara tentang rahasia Kristus, yang karenanya aku dipenjarakan.
Selasa, 30 Juli 2013
We are free to live for Christ.. Col2
Before we believe in Christ, our nature was evil.
We disobeyed, rebelled, & ignored God (even at our best, we didnt love HIM with all our heart, soul & mind).
The Christian, however, has a new nature. God has crucified the old rebellious nature (Rm6) & replaced it with a new loving nature (Col3).
The penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross. God has declared us not guilty, and we need no longer live under sin's power.
God doesnt take us out of the world or make us robots--we still feel like sinning, & sometimes we will sin. The difference is that before we were saved. We were slaves to our sinful nature; but now we are free to life for Christ (Gal2).
We disobeyed, rebelled, & ignored God (even at our best, we didnt love HIM with all our heart, soul & mind).
The Christian, however, has a new nature. God has crucified the old rebellious nature (Rm6) & replaced it with a new loving nature (Col3).
The penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross. God has declared us not guilty, and we need no longer live under sin's power.
God doesnt take us out of the world or make us robots--we still feel like sinning, & sometimes we will sin. The difference is that before we were saved. We were slaves to our sinful nature; but now we are free to life for Christ (Gal2).
Minggu, 28 Juli 2013
Beware with well-crafted argument.. Col2
Paul writes against any philosophy of life based only on human ideas and experiences.
Paul himself was a gifted philosopher, so he isnt condeming teaching that credits humanity, not Christ, with being the answer to life's problems. That approach becomes a false religion.
There are many man made approach to lfe's problems that totally disregard God.
To resist heresy you must use your mind, keep your eyes on Christ, and study God's Word.
Paul himself was a gifted philosopher, so he isnt condeming teaching that credits humanity, not Christ, with being the answer to life's problems. That approach becomes a false religion.
There are many man made approach to lfe's problems that totally disregard God.
To resist heresy you must use your mind, keep your eyes on Christ, and study God's Word.
All for God and God for all.. Col1
God isnt only the creator of the world but HE is also its sustainer.
In HIM, everything is held together, protected, and prevented from disintegrating into chaos.
Because Christ is the sustainer of all life, none of us is independent from HIM.
we are all HIS servant who must daily trust HIM to protect us, care us, and sustain us.
In HIM, everything is held together, protected, and prevented from disintegrating into chaos.
Because Christ is the sustainer of all life, none of us is independent from HIM.
we are all HIS servant who must daily trust HIM to protect us, care us, and sustain us.
Rabu, 24 Juli 2013
Focusing on Christ .. Col1
Several misconceptions about Christ that Paul directly refuted ;
1) Believing that matter is evil, false teacher argued that God would not have come to earth as a true human being in bodily form. Paul state that Christ is the image_the exact likeness_of God & is Himself God, & yet He died on the cross as a human being.
2) they believed that God Did not create the world because He would not have created evil. Paul proclaimed that Jesus Christ, who was also God in the flesh , is the Creator of both heaven & earth.
3) they said that Christ was not the unique son of God but rather one of many intermediaries between God & people. Paul explained that Christ existed before anything else & is the firstborn of those resurrected.
4) they refused to see Christ as the source of salvation, insisting that people could find God only through special & secret knowledge. In the contrast, Paul openly proclaimed the way of salvation to be through Christ alone. Paul continued to bring the argument back to Christ. When we share the Good news, we, too, must keep the focus on Christ.
1) Believing that matter is evil, false teacher argued that God would not have come to earth as a true human being in bodily form. Paul state that Christ is the image_the exact likeness_of God & is Himself God, & yet He died on the cross as a human being.
2) they believed that God Did not create the world because He would not have created evil. Paul proclaimed that Jesus Christ, who was also God in the flesh , is the Creator of both heaven & earth.
3) they said that Christ was not the unique son of God but rather one of many intermediaries between God & people. Paul explained that Christ existed before anything else & is the firstborn of those resurrected.
4) they refused to see Christ as the source of salvation, insisting that people could find God only through special & secret knowledge. In the contrast, Paul openly proclaimed the way of salvation to be through Christ alone. Paul continued to bring the argument back to Christ. When we share the Good news, we, too, must keep the focus on Christ.
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013
Kasih Agape
Kita tidak dapat mengasihi sesuatu apapun dengan benar apabila kita tidak mau belajar mengasihi seperti Tuhan Yesus
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