Allah tidak pernah menyelamatkan orang, lalu meninggalkan mereka untuk melanjutkan hidup yang tidak dewasa dan berdosa. Orang yang diselamatkanNYA, didisiplinkanNYA pula. Filipi 1:6 "IA, yang memulai pekerjaan yang baik diantara kamu, akan meneruskannya sampai pada akhirnya pada hari Kristus Yesus".
Pemikiran ini memberi dorongan sekaligus menuntut perhatian serius kita. Memberi dorongan karena menjamin pertumbuhan rohani kita tidak diserahkan kepada inisiatif kita, juga tidak bergantung kepada hikmat kita untuk mengetahui di wilayah mana dan ke arah mana kita harus bertumbuh. Sebaliknya, Allah sendirilah yang memulai dan mengarahkan pertumbuhan rohani kita. Hal ini bukan berarti kita tidak bertanggung jawab untuk menanggapi pelatihan rohani Allah, Bapa kita, dalam hidup kita. Hal ini berarti Dialah yang bertanggung jawab melatih kita.
Pada saat bersamaan, tak terpisahnya anugrah Allah dengan disiplin rohani merupakan kebenaran yang menuntut perhatian serius kita. Kita hanya perlu melongok dunia kekristenan, khususnya di USA untuk mendapati sejumlah besar orang yang mengaku sudah pernah beriman kepada Kristus tetapi nampaknya belum mengalami pendisiplinan anugrah apapun. Mereka mungkin pernah menanggapi tantangan keselamatan dengan maju ke depan, menulis di kartu komitmen, bahkan memanjatkan doa pertobatan, tetapi anugrah sepertinya tidak mendidik mereka untuk meninggalkan kefasikan dan keinginan duniawi, apalagi untuk menjalani hidup yang bijaksana, adil, dan beribadah. Pada hakikatnya, hidup mereka hari ini tidak berbeda dengan sebelum mereka beriman kepada Kristus.
Ibrani 12:8 "jikalau kamu bebas dari ganjaran, yang harus diderita setiap orang, maka kamu bukanlah anak, tetapi anak-anak gampang". Dan Yesus sendiri berkata, "bukan setiap orang yang berseru kepadaKU: Tuhan, Tuhan! Akan masuk ke dalam kerajaan Sorga, melainkan dia yang melakukan kehendak BapaKU yang di sorga"(Matius 7:21). Ahli waris hidup kekal bukanlah mereka yang membuat pengakuan pertobatan, melainkan mereka yang hidupnya menjadi bukti nyata pelatihan Allah, Bapa kita.
Senin, 31 Maret 2014
Minggu, 30 Maret 2014
God Takes Joy in Using Ordinary Things for Extraordinary Purposes.. Exo4
A shepherd's staff was commonly wooden rod with a curved hook at a top. The shepherd used it for walking, guiding his sheep, killing snake, and many other tasks. Still, it was just a stick. But God used the simple shepherd's staff Moses carried as a sign to teach him an important lesson.
What are the ordinary things in your life--your voice, a pen, a hammer, a broom, a musical instrument? While it is easy to assume God can use only a special skills, you must not hinder HIS use of everyday constributions you can make. Little did Moses imagine the power his simple staff would wield when it became the staff of God.
What are the ordinary things in your life--your voice, a pen, a hammer, a broom, a musical instrument? While it is easy to assume God can use only a special skills, you must not hinder HIS use of everyday constributions you can make. Little did Moses imagine the power his simple staff would wield when it became the staff of God.
I AM WHO I AM.. Unchanging God.. Exo3
The Egyptians had many gods by many different names. Moses wanted to know God's name so the Hebrew people would know exactly who had sent him to them. God called himself I AM, a name describing HIS eternal power and unchangeable character. In a world where values, morals, and laws change constantly, we can find stability and security in our unchanging God. The God who appeared to Moses is the same God who can live in us today. Hebrew13 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Because God's nature is stable and trustworthy, we are free to follow and enjoy HIM rather than spend our time trying to figure HIM out.
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014
Did God bless the Hebrew midwives for lying to Pharaoh?.. Exo1
God bless them not because they lied, but because they saved the lives of innocent children. This doesnt mean that a lie was necesserily the best way to answer Pharaoh. The midwives were blessed, however, for not violating the higher law of God that forbids the senseless slaughter of innocent lives.
Against Pharaoh's order, the midwives spared the Hebrew babies. Their faith in God gave them the courage to take a stand for what they knew was right. In this situation, disobeying the authority was proper. God doesnt expect us to obey those in authority when they ask us to disobey HIM or HIS Word.
The Bible is filled with examples of those who were willing to sacrifice their very lives in order to obey God or save others, Esther, Mordecai, Daniel, Shadrach, meshach and Abednego are some of the people who took a bold stand for what was right.
Whole nations can be caught up in immorality; thus following the majority or the authority isnt always right. Whenever we are ordered to disobey God's Word, we must obey God rather than any human authority.
Against Pharaoh's order, the midwives spared the Hebrew babies. Their faith in God gave them the courage to take a stand for what they knew was right. In this situation, disobeying the authority was proper. God doesnt expect us to obey those in authority when they ask us to disobey HIM or HIS Word.
The Bible is filled with examples of those who were willing to sacrifice their very lives in order to obey God or save others, Esther, Mordecai, Daniel, Shadrach, meshach and Abednego are some of the people who took a bold stand for what was right.
Whole nations can be caught up in immorality; thus following the majority or the authority isnt always right. Whenever we are ordered to disobey God's Word, we must obey God rather than any human authority.
Jumat, 28 Maret 2014
Parellels Between Joseph and Jesus.. Gen50
Gen37:3 / Mat3:17 ; Their fathers loved them dearly,
Gen41:41 / Phi2:9 ; Exalted after suffering,
Gen45:1 / Luk23:34 ; Forgave those who wronged them,
Gen45:7 / Mat1:21 ; Saved their nation,
Gen50:20 / 1Cor2:7 ; What people did to hurt them God turned to good
Gen37:2 / John10:11 ; Shepherds of their fathers sheep,
Gen37:13 / Heb2:11 ; Sent by father to brothers,
Gen37:4 / John7:5 ; Hated by brothers,
Gen37:20 / John11:53 ; Others plotted to harm them,
Gen37:7 / Mat4:1 ; Tempted,
Gen37:25 / Mat2:14 ; Taken to Egypt,
Gen37:23 / John19:23 ; Robes taken from them,
Gen37:28 / Mat26:15 ; Sold for the price of a slave,
Gen39:20 / Mat27:2 ; Bound in chains,
Gen39:16 / Mat26:59 ; Falsely accused,
Gen40:2 / Luk23:32 ; Placed with 2 prisoner, one who was saved and the other lost,
Gen41:46 / Luk3:23 ; Both 30years old at the beginning of public recognitionGen41:41 / Phi2:9 ; Exalted after suffering,
Gen45:1 / Luk23:34 ; Forgave those who wronged them,
Gen45:7 / Mat1:21 ; Saved their nation,
Gen50:20 / 1Cor2:7 ; What people did to hurt them God turned to good
Kamis, 27 Maret 2014
God is Sovereign, HIS Plan arent Dictated by Human Action.. Gen45
Although Joseph's brothers had wanted to get rid of him, God used even their evil plan. HE had sent Joseph ahead to preserve their lives, save Egypt, and prepare the way for the beginning of the nation of Israel.
When others intend evil toward you, remember that they are only God's tools.
Joseph had been rejected, kidnapped, enslaved, and imprisoned. Although his brothers had been unfaithful to him, he graciously forgave them and shared his prosperity.
Joseph demonstrated how God forgives us and showers us with goodness even though we have sinned against him. The same forgiveness and blessings are ours if we ask for them.
When others intend evil toward you, remember that they are only God's tools.
Joseph had been rejected, kidnapped, enslaved, and imprisoned. Although his brothers had been unfaithful to him, he graciously forgave them and shared his prosperity.
Joseph demonstrated how God forgives us and showers us with goodness even though we have sinned against him. The same forgiveness and blessings are ours if we ask for them.
Jumat, 21 Maret 2014
Preseverance of The Saint.. Gen43
Jacob and his sons had no relief from the famine. They couldnt see God's overall plan of sending them to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph and fed from Egypt's storehouses.
If you praying for relief from suffering or preassure and God isnt bringing ia as quickly as you would like, remember that God may be leading you to special treasures.
If you praying for relief from suffering or preassure and God isnt bringing ia as quickly as you would like, remember that God may be leading you to special treasures.
Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014
There is nothing like HIS Presence.. Gen37
As youngster, Joseph self-assurance, molded by pain and combined with a personal knowledge of God, allowed him to survive and prosper where most would have failed. He added quiet wisdom to his confident and won the hearts of everyone he met.
He endured a long imprisonment and was forgotten by those he helped. His positive response transformed each setback into a step foward. He didnt spend much timeasking why. His approach was "what shall i do now?" Those who met Joseph were aware that wherever he went and whatever he did, God was with him.
When you're facing a setback, the beginning of a Joseph-like attitude is to acknowledge that God is with you.
He endured a long imprisonment and was forgotten by those he helped. His positive response transformed each setback into a step foward. He didnt spend much timeasking why. His approach was "what shall i do now?" Those who met Joseph were aware that wherever he went and whatever he did, God was with him.
When you're facing a setback, the beginning of a Joseph-like attitude is to acknowledge that God is with you.
Rabu, 12 Maret 2014
Desire to stay close to God despite life's disappointment.. Gen35
God reminded Jacob of his new name, Israel, which meant "one who struggles with God" although Jacob's life was littered with difficulties and trials, his new name was a tribute to his desire to stay close to God despite life's disappointment.
Many people believe that Christianity should offer a problem--free life. Cosequently, as life gets tough, they draw back disappointed. Instead, they should determine to prevail with God through life's storms. Problem and difficulties are painful but inevitable; you might as well see them oppurtunities for growth. You can prevail with God unless you have troubles to prevail over.
Many people believe that Christianity should offer a problem--free life. Cosequently, as life gets tough, they draw back disappointed. Instead, they should determine to prevail with God through life's storms. Problem and difficulties are painful but inevitable; you might as well see them oppurtunities for growth. You can prevail with God unless you have troubles to prevail over.
Selasa, 11 Maret 2014
Leave revenge to God and spare yourself the dreadful consequences of sin.. Gen34
In seeking revenge against Shechem, Simeon and levi lied, stole and murdered. Their desire for justice was right, but their ways of achieving it were wrong. Because of their sin, their father cursed them with his dying breath. Generations later, their descendants lost the part of the Promised Land allotted to them. When tempted to return evil for evil, leave revenge to God and spare yourself the dreadful consequences of sin
Minggu, 09 Maret 2014
Give Yourself to ME in Thanksgiving, not as payment.. Gen30
Rachel's attempts to earn the unearnable are a picture of a much greater error we can make. Like her, we find ourselves trying somehow to earn love--God's love. But apart from HIS Word, we end up with false ideas. Either we think we've been good enough to deserve HIS Love or we recognize that we arent able to earn it and assume that it cannot be ours. If the Bible makes no other point, it shouts this one; God loves us! HIS Love had no beginning and is incredibly patient. All we need to do is respond, not try to earn what is freely offered.
God has said in many ways, "I love you. I have demonstrated that love to you by all i've done for you. I have even sacrificed MY Son, Jesus, to pay the price for what is unacceptable about you--your sin. Now, live because of MY Love. Respond to ME; love ME with your whole being; give yourself to ME in thanksgiving, not as payment." Live life fully, in the freedom of knowing you are loved.
God has said in many ways, "I love you. I have demonstrated that love to you by all i've done for you. I have even sacrificed MY Son, Jesus, to pay the price for what is unacceptable about you--your sin. Now, live because of MY Love. Respond to ME; love ME with your whole being; give yourself to ME in thanksgiving, not as payment." Live life fully, in the freedom of knowing you are loved.
Kamis, 06 Maret 2014
Gain Own Personal Relationship or fall into treated God like a servant.. Gen28
God's covenant promise to Abraham and Isaac was offered to Jacob as well. But it was not enough to be Abraham's grandson ; Jacob had to establish his own personal relationship with God. God has no grandchildren ; each person must have a personal relationship with HIM.
Its not enough to hear wonderful stories about Christians in you family, you need to become part of the story yourself.
Was Jacob trying to bargain with God? Its possible that he, in his ignorance of how to worship and serve God, treated God like a servant who would perform a service for a tip. More likely, Jacob was not bargaining but pledging his future to God. He may have been saying, " because YOU have blessed me, i will follow YOU."
Whether Jacob was bargaining or pledging God blessed him. But God also had some difficult lessons for Jacob to learn
Its not enough to hear wonderful stories about Christians in you family, you need to become part of the story yourself.
Was Jacob trying to bargain with God? Its possible that he, in his ignorance of how to worship and serve God, treated God like a servant who would perform a service for a tip. More likely, Jacob was not bargaining but pledging his future to God. He may have been saying, " because YOU have blessed me, i will follow YOU."
Whether Jacob was bargaining or pledging God blessed him. But God also had some difficult lessons for Jacob to learn
Rabu, 05 Maret 2014
Consequences of Deceitful.. Gen27
Jacob hesitated when he heard Rebekah's deceitful plan. Although he questioned it for the wrong reason (fear of getting caught), he protested and thus gave her one last chance to reconsider. But rebekah had become so wrapped up in her plan that she no longer saw clearly what she was doing. Sin had trapped her and was degrading her character.
Correcting yourself in the middle of doing wrong may bring hurt and disappointment, but it also bring freedom from sin's control.
Although Jacob got the blessing he wanted, deceiving his father cost him dearly. These are some of the consequences of that deceit :
1) he never saw his mother again;
2) his brother wanted to kill him;
3) he was deceived by his uncle, Laban;
4) his family became torn by strife;
5) Esau became founder of an enemy nation;
6) he was exiled from his family for years, ironically, Jacob would have received the birthright and blessing anyway.
Imagine how different his life would have been had he and his mother waited for God to work his way. In HIS time.
Correcting yourself in the middle of doing wrong may bring hurt and disappointment, but it also bring freedom from sin's control.
Although Jacob got the blessing he wanted, deceiving his father cost him dearly. These are some of the consequences of that deceit :
1) he never saw his mother again;
2) his brother wanted to kill him;
3) he was deceived by his uncle, Laban;
4) his family became torn by strife;
5) Esau became founder of an enemy nation;
6) he was exiled from his family for years, ironically, Jacob would have received the birthright and blessing anyway.
Imagine how different his life would have been had he and his mother waited for God to work his way. In HIS time.
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