Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Cling Tightly to The Lord Your God.. Josh23

Joshua knew the nation's weak spot. Before dying, he called the people together and gave commands to help them where they were most likely to slip;
1) Follow all that is writen in the Book of Instruction without turning aside.
2) Do not associate with the pagan nations or worship their gods.
3) Do not intermarry with the pagan nations.
This temptations were right in their backyard. Our associations and relationships can be temptations to us as well. It's wise to identify our weak spots before we break down. Then we can develop strategies to overcome these temptations instead of being overcome by them.

This chilling prediction about the consequences of intermarriage with the Canaanite nations eventually became a reality. Numerous stories in the book of Judges show what Israel had to suffer because of failure to follow God wholeheartedly. God was supremely loving and patient with Israel, just as HE is today. But we must not confuse HIS patience with us as approval of or indifference to our sin. Beware of demanding your own way because eventually you may get it--along with all its painful consequences.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

KKR NATAL ALLAH PERKASA Di Dalam Dunia.. Pdt. Dr. S. Tong

Turut Mengundang Bersama Merayakan Hari Kelahiran Tuhan Yesus Dengan Mengangkat Tema ALLAH PERKASA DI DALAM DUNIA Dilayani Oleh Hamba Nya 

Pdt. Dr. S. Tong KKR NATAL SEMARANG 2015
Tanggal 17 Desember 2015
Hari Kamis, Pukul 18.30 Wib
Krakatau Ballroom Lt. 9
Hotel Horison
Plaza Simpang Lima, Semarang

Info Detail : 081 914 300 400

Salam Hangat Di Dalam Kasih Kristus, Tuhan Yesus Memberkati

Selasa, 10 November 2015

Thousands of Years Promises.. Josh15

When Joshua gave Caleb his portion, it fulfilled a promise God had made to Caleb 45 years earlier. We expect such integrity and reliability from God, but do we expect the same from his followers? 
How about you? Is your word this reliable? Would you honor a 45year old promise? God would--and does. Even today HE is honoring promises HE made thousands of years ago. In fact, some of HIS greatest promises are yet to be fulfilled. This give us much to look forward to. 
Let your faith grow as you realize that God keeps HIS word.

Kamis, 05 November 2015

Quo Vadis..

Dr. S. Tong : As a son of non Christian father and you know after you believe in Jesus it was a conflict between your father and your family tradition , so what do you deal with this? Are you afraid of your father oppotition or you try to bear witness for Jesus Christ?

Micheal: In my beggining year to coming to church, i knew that i wasnot really being born again Christian,
Conflict of my father and me it just another tradition to another tradition,
Until my age 27, i realize what the gospel trully was about,
And i knew Its not about my opinion of my father opinion, 
it was about 2 kingdoms, its the kingdom of light againts the kingdom of darkness,
And the bible tells me that the blessing of Abraham would fall upon all those who bless Abraham, and we are the same God as Abraham,
I knew it was the way that God says HE would conquer all those soul who are in their pittyfulnes,
Christ Jesus did it by died for me on the cross, and showed me the love of God,
So now day when i deal with my father, is to show him the love of Christ,
As the Leviticus teach us about, we shuold love our neighbour such as we love ourselves, before that is do not hold grudge to our neighbours or to your brothers,
Lets speak frankly to them, i knew it is the way that the Holy Spirit deals with me,
Comes onto me with all the fear messages that cause me to repent, but the core of this is full with the love of Christ died for me to take away my sin,
I learn about the Gospel how to speak with my father with love, but frankly to tell him all the truth, and he know my attitute is different from before, and he was more willing to listen to me more.

Dr. S. Tong : When your father ask you , "are you going to worship me as your father using insence? You say no, and what did he react?

Micheal : First he look other way and said "then we are nothing to talk about.
I was clearly drawing him a line about 2 kingdoms, and then i directly replay, i said maybe i will bring you flowers, its not means to worship you, what it really mean that i receive from the bible that it is no such a thing after you died and you go to under world you need me to feed you using inscense, and he know what he really want that i will come back to eat with him while he still alive, and that flower its for memorial that i still remember you, in order to prove that is i will come back to eat with you, and then he doesnt said anything.

After that Dr. S. Tong meet Micheal father and give gospel, his father said "i have only one son, and now he doesnt want to worship me after i died, how can it be?
Dr. S. Tong reply "you should repent and believe in Jesus Christ. And his father reply " now im confused, i need new direction.

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

Wait and See The Salvation From God.. Josh11

God has commanded Joshua to take the leadership in riding the land of sin so God's people could occupy it. Joshua did his part thoroughly--leading the united army to weaken the inhabitants. 
When God orders us to stop sinning, we must not pause to debate, consider the options, negotiate a compromise, or rationalize. Instead, like Joshua, our response must be swift and complete. 
We must be ruthless in avoiding relationships and activities that can lead us into sin.
The conquest of much of the land of Canaan seems to happened quickly (we can read about it in one sitting), but it actually took seven years. We often expect quick changes in our lives and quick victories over sin. 
Our journey with God is a lifelong prosses, however, and the changes and victories may take time. It is easy to grow impatient with God and feel like giving up hope because things are moving too slowly. When we are close to a situation, it is difficult to see progress, but when we look back, we can see that God never stop working.

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Integrity .. Josh10

Joshua's response shows his integrity. After having been deceived by the Gibeonites, Joshua and the leaders could have been slow about their attempt to rescue them. Instead they immediately responded to their call for help. How willing would you be to help someone who had deceived you, even though you had forgiven him or her? We should take our word just as seriously as Joshua did

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

The Gibeonites Deceive Israel.. Josh9

When the leaders sampled these men's provisions, they saw that the bread was dry and moldy, the wineskins were split open, and the clothes ans sandals worn out. But they did not see through the deception. After the promise had been made and the treaty ratified, the facts come out--Israel's leaders had been deceived. The oath was not nullified by the Gibeonites trikery.
God had specifically instructed Israel to make no treaties with the inhabitants of Canaan. As a strategist, Joshua knew enough to talk to God before leading his troops into battle. But the peace treaty seemed innocent enough, so Joshua and the leaders made this decision on their own. By failing to seek God's guidance and rushing ahead with their own plans, they had to deal with angry people and an awkward alliance. Once again, they had forgotten to go to God; yet how often we do the same. A new situation arises, and we forget to seek God's wisdom and guidance. When we learn the lessons of the past and apply them to today, wa save ourselves a lot of trouble.

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Why did Achan's sin bring judgment on the entire nation?.. Jos7

Although it was one men's failure. God saw it as national disobedience to a national law. God needed the entire nation to be committed to the job they had agreed to--conquer the land. Thus, when one person failed, everyone failed. If Achan's sin went unpunished, unlimited looting could break out. The nation as a whole had to take responsibility for preventing this undisciplined disobedience.
Achan's sin wasnt merely his keeping some of the captured goods (God allowed it in some cases), but his disobeying God's explicit command to destroy everything that connected with Jerico. Achan's sin was indifference to the evil and idolatry of the city, not just a desire for money and clothes. God would not protect Israel's army again until the sin was removed and the army returned to obeying HIM without reservation. 
God is not content with our doing what is right some of the time. We are under HIS orders to eliminate any thoughts, practices, or possessions that hinder our devotion to HIM.

Selasa, 08 September 2015

Take Time to Focus Toward God.. Jos3

Just before crossing over into the Promised Land, Joshua gathered the people to hear the words of the Lord. Their excitement was high. No doubt they wanted to rush on, but Joshua made them to stop and listen. 
We live in a fast-paced age where everyone rushes just to keep up. Its easy to get caught up in our tasks, becoming too busy for what God says is most important--listening to HIS words.
Before making schedule, take time to focus on what God wants from all your activities. Knowing what God has said before you rush into your day can help you avoid foolish mistakes.

Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

Was Rahab justified in lying to save the lives of the spies?.. Jos2

Although the Bible doesnt speak negatively about her lie, its clear that lying is sin. However, Rahab is commendedfor her faith in God. Her life isnt mentioned. Several explanations have offered :
1) God forgave Rahab's life because of her faith;
2) Rahab was simply deceiving the enemy, a normal acceptable pratice in wartime;
3) Because Rahab wasnt a Jew, she couldnt be held responsible, for keeping the moral standarts set forth in God's law;
4) Rahab broke a lesser principle--telling the truth--to uphold a higher principle--protecting God's people.
There may have been another way to save the lives of the Israel spies. Byt under the preasure of the moment, Rahab had to make a choice. Most of us will face dilemmas at one time or another. We may feel that there is no perfect solution to our problem. Fortunately, God doent demand that our judgment be perfect in all situations. HE simply asks us to put out trust in HIM and to do the best we know how.
Many would assume that Rahab--a pagan, a Canaanite and a prostitute--would never be interested in God. Yet Rahab was willing to risk everything she had for a God she barely knew.
We mustnt gauge a person's interested in God by his or her background, lifestyle, or appearance. We should let nothing get in the way of our telling people the GOOD NEWS.

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

God Often Uses People with Simple Faith.. Jos2

Why would the spies stop at the house of Rahab, a prostitute? 
1) It was a good place to gather information and have no questions asked in return.
2) Rahab's house was in an ideal location for a quick escape because it was built into the city wall.
3) God directed the spies to Rahab's house because HE knew her heart was open to HIM and that she would be instrumental in the Isralite victory over Jerico.
God often uses people with simple faith to accomplish HIS great purposes, no matter what kind past they have had or how insignificant they seem to be. Rahab didnt allow her past to keep her from the new role God had for her.

To Be Successful, Follow God's Word.. Jos1

Many people think that prosperity and success come from having power, influential personal contacts, and a relentless desire to get ahead. But the strategy for gaining prosperity that God taught Joshua goes against such criteria.
HE said that to success Joshua must :
1) Be strong and courageous because the task ahead would not be easy,
2) Obey God's law, and
3) Constantly read and study the Book of Instruction--God's Word.
You may not succeed by the world's standarts, but you will be a success in God's eyes--and HIS opinion is most important

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Nourishing Our Love, Respect and Awe.. Deu34

Moses was the only person who ever spoke with God face to face. He was called Israel's greatest prophet. Yet even this great man wasnt allowed to enter the Promised Land because He disobeyed God. No matter how good we are or how much we've done for God, we sometimes disobeye HIM. The result of our disobedience is that we will be disciplined. God disciplined Moses severely but still called Him HIS friend. In the end, God was still Moses best friend
Moses was one person who did not let success go to His head. His love, respect, and awe for God had grown daily throughout His life. Moses knew that it wasnt any greatness in Himself that made Him successful, it was the greatness of the all powerful God in whom He trusted
When you experience the sting of God's discipline, respond as Moses did. Dont turn away in anger, embarrassment, or resentment. Instead, turn toward God with love, openness, and a desire to do better.

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Rebellious by Nature.. Deu31

Moses knew that the Israelites, in spite of all they had seen of God's work, were rebellious at heart. They deserve God's punishment, although they often received HIS mercy instead.
We too, are stubborn and rebellious by nature. Throughout our lives we struggle with sin. Repentance once a month or once a week is not enough. We must constantly turn from our sins to God and let HIM , in HIS mercy, save us.

Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Keselamatan Adalah Untuk Semua Orang.. Roma10

Sebab Kristus adalah kegenapan hukum Taurat, sehingga kebenaran diperoleh tiap-tiap orang yang percaya.
Sebab Musa menulis tentang kebenaran karena hukum Taurat: "Orang yang melakukannya, akan hidup karenanya."
Tetapi kebenaran karena iman berkata demikian: "Jangan katakan di dalam hatimu: Siapakah akan naik ke sorga?", yaitu: untuk membawa Yesus turun,
atau: "Siapakah akan turun ke jurang maut?", yaitu: untuk membawa Kristus naik dari antara orang mati.
Tetapi apakah katanya? Ini: "Firman itu dekat kepadamu, yakni di dalam mulutmu dan di dalam hatimu." Itulah firman iman, yang kami beritakan.
Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, dan percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan.
Karena dengan hati orang percaya dan dibenarkan, dan dengan mulut orang mengaku dan diselamatkan.
Karena Kitab Suci berkata: "Barangsiapa yang percaya kepada Dia, tidak akan dipermalukan."
Sebab tidak ada perbedaan antara orang Yahudi dan orang Yunani. Karena, Allah yang satu itu adalah Tuhan dari semua orang, kaya bagi semua orang yang berseru kepada-Nya.
Sebab, barangsiapa yang berseru kepada nama Tuhan, akan diselamatkan.
Tetapi bagaimana mereka dapat berseru kepada-Nya, jika mereka tidak percaya kepada Dia? Bagaimana mereka dapat percaya kepada Dia, jika mereka tidak mendengar tentang Dia. Bagaimana mereka mendengar tentang Dia, jika tidak ada yang memberitakan-Nya?
Dan bagaimana mereka dapat memberitakan-Nya, jika mereka tidak diutus? Seperti ada tertulis: "Betapa indahnya kedatangan mereka yang membawa kabar baik!"

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

The Message is Very Close at Hand; It Is On Your Lips and In Your Heart.. Deu30

God has called us to keep HIS commands, while reminding us that HIS laws are not hidden from us or beyond our reach. Have you ever said you would obey God if you only knew what HE wanted? Have you ever complained that obedience is too difficult for a mere human? These are unacceptable excuses.
God's laws are written in the Bible and are clearly evident in the world around us. Obeying them is reasonable, sensible, and beneficial. The most difficult part of obeying God's laws is simply deciding to start now. (Rom10)
Moses challenged Israel to choose life, to obey God. And therefore to continue to experience HIS blessings. God doesnt force HIS will on anyone. HE lets us decide whether to follow HIM or reject HIM. 
This decision, however, is a life-or-death matter. God wants us to realize this, for HE would like us all to choose life. Daily, in each new situation, we must affirm and reinforce this commitment.

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

A Call to Return to The Lord.. Deu30

Moses told the Hebrews that when they were ready to return to God, HE would be ready to receive them. God's mercy is unbelieveable. It goes far beyond what we can imagine. Even if the Jews delibarety walked away from HIM and ruined their live, God would still take them back. God would give them inward spiritual renewal. 
God wants to forgive us and brings us back to HIMself, too. Some people will not learn this until their world has crashed in around them. Then the sorrow and pain seem to open their eyes to what God had saying all along.
Are you seperated from God by sin? No matter how far you have wandered, God promises a fresh beginning if only you will turn to HIM.

Uproot the Seeds of sin.. Deu29

Moses cautioned that the day the Hebrews chose to turn from God, a root would be planted that would produce bitter and poisonous fruit (Heb12). 
When we decide to do what we know is wrong, we plant an evil seed that begins to grow out of control, eventually yielding a crop of sorrow and pain. But we can prevent those seeds of sin from taking root. 
If you have done something wrong, confess it to God and others immediately. If the seed never finds fertile soil, its bitter fruit will never ripen.

Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Knowing God's Word is Not Enough;We Must Obey It.. Deu28

If you refuse to obey all the words , and if you dont fear the glorious and awesome God, then The Lord will overwhelm you and your children with indescribable plagues. The Lord will scatter you among all the nations, there you will wordship foreign gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods made of wood and stone!
There you will find no peace or place to rest. Your life will constantly hang in the balance. You will live night and day in fear, unsure if you will survive. In the morning you will say"if only it were night! And in the evening you will say "if only it were morning!
There you will offer to sell yourselves to your enemies as slaves, but no one will buy you.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Curses for Disobedience.. Deu28

One of the curses for those who rejected God was that they would go mad from seeing all the tragedy around them. Do you ever feel that you will go crazy if you hear about one more rape, kidnapping, murder, or war? Much of the world's evil is a result of people's failure to acknowledge and serve God.
When you hear bad news, dont groan helplessly as do unbelievers who have no hope for the future. Remind yourself that in spite of it all, God has ultimate control and will one day come back to make everything right.

Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

You Must not Muzzle an Ox to Keep it From Eating as it Treads out The Grain.. Deu25

Oxen were often used to tread out the grain on a threshing floor. The animal was attached by poles to a large millstone. As it walked around the millstone, its hooves trampled the grain, separating the kernels from the chaff. At the same time, the millstone groung the grain into flour.
To muzzle the ox would prevent it from eating while it was working. Paul used this illustration in the new Testament to argue that people productive in Christian work should not be denied its benefits--they should receive financial support. (1Cor9 / 1Tim5)
The fact that a person is in Christian ministry doesnt mean he or she should be unfairly paid. There is also a broader application; dont be stingy with those who workfor you.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

Dealing with a rebellious son.. Deu21

Disobedient and rebellious children were to be brought before the elders of the city and stoned to death. There is no biblical or archaeological evidence that this punishment was ever carried out, but the point was that disobedience and rebellion were not to be tolerated in the home or allowed to continue unchecked.
This principles must never be used to justify or overlook abuse or harsh treatment of children. While firm guidance may be needed with strong consequences for disobedient, the Bible does not condone physical, verbal, or emotional abuse of children.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Ensnare by the lust and mamon.. Deu17

Israel's kings did not heed this warning, and their behavior led to their downfall. 
Solomon had everything going for HIM, but when he became rich, built up a large army, and married many wives, his heart turned from God (1Kings 11). 
Out of Solomon's sin came Israel's disobedience, division, and captivity.

Clean or Unclean.. Deu14

Why was Israel forbidden to eat certain food? There are several reasons;
1) Predatory animals ate the blood of other animals, and scavengers ate dead animals. Because the people couldnt eat blood or animals they found dead, they couldnt eat animals that did these things either.
2) Some forbidden animals had bad associations in the Israelite culture just as bats, snakes, and spiders do for some people today. Some may have been used in pagan religious practices. To the Israelites, the unclean animals represented si or unhealthy habits.
3) Perhaps some restrictions were given to Israel just to remind them continually that they were a different and seperate people commited to God. Although we no longer must follow these laws about food (Act 10), we can still learn from them the lesson that holiness is to be carried into all parts of life. 

We cant restrict holiness only to the spiritual side, we must be holy in the everyday practical part of life as well. Health practices, finances, use of leisure--all provide oppurtunities to put holy living into daily living.

A Warning against Idolatry.. Deu13

Attractive leaders arent always led by God. Moses warned Israelites against false prophets who encouraged worship of other gods. New ideas from inspiring people may sound good, but we must judge them by whether or not they are consistent with God's Word.
When people claim to speak for God today, check them in this areas: are they telling the truth? Is their focus on God? Are their words consistent with what you already know to be true? 
Some people speak truth while directing you toward God, but others speak persuasively while directing you toward themselves. It is even possible to say the right words but still lead people in the wrong direction.
God is not against new ideas, but HE is for discernment. When your hear a new, attractive idea, examine it carefully before getting too excited. False prophets are still around today. The wise person will carefully test ideas against the truth of God's Word.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

A Call to Love and Obedience.. Deu10

What does The Lord your God require of you?
HE requires only that you fear The Lord you God, and live in a way that pleases HIM and serve HIM with all your heart and soul . And you must always obey the Lord's commands and decrees that i'm giving you today for your own good.
Look, the highest heavens and the earth and everything in it all belong to the Lord your God. Yet The Lord chose your ancestors as the object of HIS Love. And HE chose you, their descendents above all other nations, as is evident today. therefore, change your hearts and stop being stubborn.
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords. HE is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. HE ensure that orphans and widows receive justice. HE shows love to foreigners living among you and give them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to the foreigners, for you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Eygpt. You must fear the Lord your God and wordship HIM and cling to HIM.

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Unbelief is The Root of Many Sin and Problems.. Deu9

Moses was reminding the people of the nation's unbelief 40 years earlier, when they had been afraid to enter Canaan. The Israelites had not believed God would be able to help them in spite of all HE had already done. 
They refused to follow because they looked only to their own limited resources instead of to God. Unbelief is the root of many sin and problems. When you feel lost, it may be because you're looking everywhere but to God for your help and guidance.

Jumat, 03 April 2015

On That Cross.. Renungan Mingguan Pilar

Mari kita merenungkan salib ITU, yang tertancap di atas tanah lebih dari dua ribu tahun yang lalu. Sejauh apakah salib itu berarti bagi kita yang hidup lebih dari dua ribu tahun kemudian?

Di salib itu dia begitu buruk rupa, tidak ada kemuliaan sedikit pun, bahkan tidak kelihatan selayaknya sebagai seorang manusia. Dia yang kudus dinyatakan bersalah oleh standar manusia berdosa atas tuntutan menghina Allah. Di salib itu, Dia digantung dengan tangan dan kaki dipaku, dinaikkan ke tempat yang tinggi untuk dipertontonkan kepada semua orang. Di sebelah kanan dan kirinya disalibkan para penjahat yang bahkan menghina-Nya pula. Dia dikira kena tulah, dipukul, dan ditindas Allah.

Baca selengkapnya: http://www.buletinpillar.org/renungan/on-that-cross

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Remember to Thank God for the Quiet Blessings.. Deu8

Its usually easy for us to take God's protection for granted. We seldom take notice or thank God when our car doesnt breakdown, our clothes dont rip, or our tools dont break. 
The people of Israel failed to take notice, it seems, for they didnt even notice 40 years wandering, without lack of anything. Thus, they didnt remember to give thanks to God for their blessings.
Also In times of plenty, we often take credit for our prosperity and become proud that our own hard work and cleverness have made us rich. It is easy to get so busy collecting and managing wealth that we push God right out of our lives. But it is God who asks us to manage it for Him.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

People dont live by the bread alone, rather we Live by the Word of God.. Deu8

Jesus quoted this verse when the devil tempted HIM to turn stones into bread. Many people think that life is based on satisfying their appetites. 
If they can earn enough money to dress, eat, and play in high style, they think they are living 'the good life'. But such things dont satisfy our deepest longings. In the end they leave us empty and dissatisfied.
Real life, according to Moses, comes from total commitment to God and living by every Word that comes from HIM. 
How can we live by HIS Word? 
1) Recognize our need for it
2) Agree that God alone can truly satisfy us
3) Pray for God's presence, wisdom, and direction as we read
4) Savor the relationship you have with HIM through Christ
5) Pratice what HE teaches you

One Day at a Time.. Deu7

Moses told the Israelites that God would destroy Israel's enemy, but not all at once. God had the power to destroy those nations instantly, but HE chose to do it in stages, little by little. In the same way and with the same power, God could miraculously and instantaneously change your life.
Usually, however, HE chooses to help you gradually, teaching you one lesson at a time.
Rather than expecting instant spiritual maturity and solutions to all your problems, slow down and work one step at a time, trusting God to make up the difference between where you should be and where you are now. You'll soon look back and see that a miraculous transformation has occurred.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Kasih Setia NYA bagi Orang yang Patuh dan Taat kepada NYA.. Ul7

Bukan karena lebih banyak jumlahmu dari bangsa manapun juga, maka hati TUHAN terpikat olehmu dan memilih kamu--bukankah kamu ini yang paling kecil dari segala bangsa? --
tetapi karena TUHAN mengasihi kamu dan memegang sumpah-Nya yang telah diikrarkan-Nya kepada nenek moyangmu, maka TUHAN telah membawa kamu keluar dengan tangan yang kuat dan menebus engkau dari rumah perbudakan, dari tangan Firaun, raja Mesir.
Sebab itu haruslah kauketahui, bahwa TUHAN, Allahmu, Dialah Allah, Allah yang setia, yang memegang perjanjian dan kasih setia-Nya terhadap orang yang kasih kepada-Nya dan berpegang pada perintah-Nya, sampai kepada beribu-ribu keturunan,
tetapi terhadap diri setiap orang dari mereka yang membenci Dia, Ia melakukan pembalasan dengan membinasakan orang itu. Ia tidak bertangguh terhadap orang yang membenci Dia. Ia langsung mengadakan pembalasan terhadap orang itu.
Jadi berpeganglah pada perintah, yakni ketetapan dan peraturan yang kusampaikan kepadamu pada hari ini untuk dilakukan."

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

God is too 'nice' to judge sin would be to underestimate HIM... Deu7

God told Isrealites to completely destroy their enemies. How can a God of love and mercy wipe out everyone, even children?
Although God is loving and merciful, HE is also just. These enemy nations were as much a part of God's creation as Israel was, and God doesnt allow evil to continue unchecked. God had punished Israel by keeping out of the Promised Land all those who had disobey.
The command to destroy these nations was both a judgment and a safety measure. On one hand, the people living in the land were being judged for their sin, and Israel was God's instrument of judgment--just as God would one day use other nations to judge Israel for its sin. On the other hand, God's command was designed to protect the nation of Israel from being ruined by the idolatry and immorality of its enemies.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Relasi Hidup Sesama dari Kacamata Manusia (OK_NoK)... Pdt. Dr. S. Tong

Didalam kehidupan sosial kita bisa melihat ada beberapa cara manusia memandang ; 
1) i am OK, you are OK.. Saya baik, kamu juga baik. masing-masing mengurus masalahnya sendiri tanpa campur tangan orang lain. Sekilas mungkin ini terlihat win-win solution, tidak ada orang yang mengkritik sesama. Namun bila hal ini dibikin mutlak, pada akhirnya masyarakat akan menjadi apatis, cuek, elu-elu gue-gue, kehidupan sosial yang dingin terjadi pada dunia maju seperti di Amerika yang individualistis.
2) i am OK, you are Not OK.. Saya baik, kamu tidak baik. Condong melihat orang yang dimaksud tidak baik itu sangat mengganggu keberadaannya, kemudian berpikir bahwa dia berhak untuk meniadakan orang yang dinilainya tidak baik. Disinilah point mula pembunuhan terjadi.
3) i am Not OK, you are OK.. Saya tidak baik, kamu baik. Perasaan minder yang berlebih dalam kasus ini sama bahayanya. Iri akan kelebihan yang dimiliki orang lain, dan terus menerus menyalahkan keadaan sendiri, bahkan ujungnya menyalahkan Tuhan karena dianggap tidak berlaku adil kususnya terhadap dirinya. Bedanya pada titik ekstrim akan menjurus pada kasus bunuh diri, disebabkan sering merenungkan kemalangan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki berujung pada mengakhiri hidup sendiri.
4) i am Not OK, you are Not OK.. Saya tidak baik, kamu tidak baik. Negara teroris contoh paling ekstrim dari sudut pandang ini, karena merasa dunia sekililing sudah sangat bobrok, kemudian mereka mengadakan suicide bomber sama-sama mati.

Keempat visi ini sangat mudah menjebak manusia untuk melakukan hal-hal serong yang tidak sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan. 
Bahwa Tuhan menciptakan manusia sesuai dengan Gambar dan Rupa Allah, membuat nilai manusia tidak dapat dihargai dengan uang, seberapa miskin atau kaya manusia tetap sama dihadapan Allah. Kita tidak berhak melukai atau mengambil nyawa sesama dengan semaunya. Nyawa manusia adalah mutlak milik Bapa di Sorga.
Bahwa Hidup kita bukan milik kita lagi melainkan hidup bagi Kristus, hendaklah hidup kita berguna menjadi garam dan terang bagi sesama, dengan begitu Nama Tuhan bisa lebih dipermuliakan. 

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

To Serve with Devotion in GOD.. Deu1

The Israelites spent 40years on a journey that should have lasted 11days. It wasnt distance that stood between them and the promised land. It was the condition if their hearts. God's purpose went deeper than simply transporting a huge group of people to a new land. HE was preparing them to live in obedience to HIM once they arrive.
What good was the promised land if the Israelites were just as wicked as the nations already living there? The journey was a painful but necessary part of their preparation. Through it God taught the Israelites who HE was: The Living God; the Leader of the nation. HE also taught them who they were: people who were fallen, sinful, prone to rebellion and doubt. HE gave HIS rebeliious people the law to help them understand how to relate to God, and to other people.
Your spiritual pilgrimage may be lengthy, and you may face pain, discouragement, and difficulties. But remember that God isnt just trying to keep you alive, HE wants to prepare you to live for service and devotion to HIM.

Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Why were the Israelites told to destroy the Canaanites?.. Num33

God had several compelling reasons for giving this command:
1) God was stamping out the wickedness of an extremely sinful group of nations. The Canaanites brought on their own punishment. Idol worship expressed their deepest evil desires. It ultimately led to the worship of satan and the total rejection of God.
2) God was using Moses and Israel to judge Canaan for its sins in fulfillment of the prophecy in Genesis.
3) God wanted to remove all trace of pagan beliefs and practices from the land. HE didnt want HIS people to mix or compromise with idolatry in any way.
The Israelites didnt fully understand God's reasons, and they didnt carry out HIS command. This eventually led them to compromise and corruption. 
In all area of life, we should obey God's word without question because we know HE is just, even if we cannot fully understand HIS overall purposes.

Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Dangerous Temptation to Compromise.. Num25

The great challange Israel had to face was not Jericho's army, but the ever-present temptation to compromise with the pagan Canaanite religions and cultures.
The Bible doesnt say how the Israelites men got involved in sexual immorality. We do know that sacred prostitution was a common practice among Canaanite religions. At first, they didnt think about worshiping idols; they were just interested in sex. Before long they started attending local feast and family celebrations that involved idol worshiping. Soon they were in over their heads, absorbed into practices of the pagan culture. Zimri so disregarded the law of God that he brought a Midianite woman right into the camp into his tent just for sex.
Their desire for fun and pleasure caused them to loosen their spiritual commitment. Have you relaxed your standarts in order to justify your desires?

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Sovereignty of God.. Num22

Why would God speak through a sorcerer like Balaam? 
God wanted to give a massage to the Moabites, and they had already chosen to employ Balaam. So Balaam was available for God to use, much as He used the wicked Pharaoh to accomplish His will in Egypt. Balaam entered into his prophetic role seriously, but his heart was mixed. He had some knowledge of God, but not enough to forsake his magic and turn wholeheartedly to God. Although this story leads us to believe he turned completely to God, later passages in tge Bible show that Balaam couldnt resist the tempting pull of money and idolatry.

Seminar Politik RCRS 'Peran dan Kesaksian Kekristenan dalam Pemerintahan Majemuk'

Hadirilah Seminar Politik membahas tentang peran dan kesaksian Kekristenan, turut mengundang sebagai pembicara :

1. Prof. James W. Skillen, PH.D. (Pendiri Centre of Public Justice, Maryland, USA)
2. IR. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. / Ahok (Gubernur DKI Jakarta)
3. PDT. DR. Stephen Tong (Teolog, Filsuf, Budayawan & Pendiri RCRS)

Moderator : PDT. Benyamin F. Intan, PH.D. (Direktur Eksekutif RCRS)

Siaran Langsung Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015 pk. 09.30 - 13.00

Wajib Daftar Hp. 081 914 300 400

Kontribusi Seminar 
Rp. 50.000,- (umum) 
Rp. 20.000,- (mahasiswa)

Ruko Royal Office Building (Robin)
Jl. Madukoro no.8 Semarang
(Sebelah Komplek Bea Cukai)
Puri Anjosmoro Semarang

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

The Bronze Snake on the pole.. Num21

When the bronze snake was hung on the pole, the Israelites didnt know the fuller meaning Jesus Christ would bring to this event. Jesus explained that just as the Israelites were healed of their sickness by looking at the snake on the pole, all believers today can be saved from the sickness of sin by looking to Jesus ' death on the cross.
It was not the snake who healed the people but their belief that God could heal them. This believe demonstrated by their obedience to God's instructions. I. The same way, we should continue to look to Christ.