Eli's sons took advantage of their position to satisfy their lust for power, possessions, and control. Eli knew that his sons were evil, but he did little to correct or stop them, even when the integrity of God's sanctuary was threatened. As the high priest, Eli should have responded by executing his sons. No wonder he chose not to confront the situation. But by ignoring their selfish actions, Eli let his sons ruin their own lives and others.
There was time when serious problems must be confronted, even if the process and consequences could be painful.
Eli's son knew better, but they continued to disobey God deliberatelty by cheating, seducing, and robbing the people. Therefore, God planned to kill them. Any sin is wrong, but sin carried out deliberately and deceitfully is the worst kind. When sin carried out ignorance, we deserve punishment. But when we sin intentionally, the consequences will be more severe. Dont ignore God's warnings about sin. Abandon sin before it become a way of life.
Eli had a difficult time rearing his sons. He apparently didnt take any strong diciplinary action with them when he became aware of their wrongdoing. But Eli wasnt just a father trying to handle his rebellious sons, he was the high priest ignoring the sins of priest under his jurisdiction. As a result, the Lord took the necessaray disciplinary action that Eli wont.
Eli was guilty of honoring his sons above God by letting them continue in their sinful ways. Is there a situation in you life, family, or work that you allow to continue even though you know it is wrong? If so, you may become as guilty as those engaged in the wrong act.