Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

God's Chosen Servant .. isa 53

How could an Old Testament person understand the idea of Christ dying for our sins--actually bearing the punishment that we deserved? But God has pulling aside the curtain of time to let people of Isaiah's day look ahead to the suffering of the future Messiah and that resulting forgiveness made availabe to all people.
We have the hindsight to see and know the identity of the promised Messiah, who has come and died for our sins. But if we know all that Jesus did and still reject HIM, our sin is much greater than that of the ancient Israelites.
Have you given your life to Jesus Christ, the good shepherd, or are you still going your own way like a wandering sheep?
Here, the sinless servant of the Lord offers HIMself for our sins. HE is the lamb offered for the sins of all people.
The Messiah suffered for our sake, bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God. What can we say to such love? How will we respond ti HIM?

Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Today's Idolatry--Money Fame Power.. Isaiah 44

Isaiah tells us , "who but a fool would make his own god--an idol that cannot help him one bit?".
we think of idols as statues of wood or stone, but in reality idols is anything natural that is given sacred value and power.
If your answer to any of the following questions is anything or anyone other than God, you may need to check out who or what you are worshiping;
1) who created me?
2) whom do i ultimately trust?
3) whom do i look to for ultimate truth?
4) whom do i look for security and happiness?
5) who is in charge of my future?

Jumat, 29 September 2017

Being Young--A Life Without God.. Ecc 12

A life without God can produce bitterness, loneliness, and hopelessness in old age. A life centered around God is fulfilling and can be richer and more bearable when we faced with disabilities, sickness, or handicaps.
Being young is exciting. But the excitement of youth can become a barrier to closeness with God if it makes young people focus on passing pleasures instead of eternal values. 
Make your strength available to God when it is stil yours--during your youthful years. Dont waste it on evil or meaningless activities that become bad habits and make you callous.. Seek God now.

Senin, 25 September 2017

It Is All Decided by Chance--by Being in The Right Place at The Right Time.. Ecc 9

It isnt difficult to think of cases where the fastest and the strongest dont win, the wise are poor, and the skillful are unrewarded with wealth or honor. Some people see such examples and call life unfair, and they are right.
The world is finite , and sin has twisted life, making it what God did not intend. Solomon is trying to reduce our expectations. The book of Proverbs emphasized how life would go if everyone acted fairly; ecclesiastes explains what usually happens in our sinful and imperfect world.
We must keep our perspective. Dont let the inequities of life keep you from earnest, dedicated work. We serve God, not people.

Minggu, 24 September 2017

Prosperity is not always good--adversity is not always bad.. Ecc 6

Solomon shows that having the right attitude about God can help us deal with present injustices.
Prosperity is not always good, and adversity is not always bad. But God is always good; if we live as HE wants us to, we will be content.
Many people died without being able to enjoy his wealth and honor. Many people work hard to prolong life and improve their physical condition. Yet people spend little time or effort on their spiritual health. How shortsighted it is to work hard to extend this life and not take the time for eternity.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Jealousy One Step Short of Murder.. 1Sam18

Saul's appreciation for David turned to jealousy as people began to applaud David's exploits. In a jealous rage, Saul attempted to murder David by hurling his spear at him. Jealousy may not seem to be a major sin, but in reality , it is one step short of murder. Jealousy start as you resent a rival, it leads you to your wishing he or she removed, then it manifest itself in your seeking ways to harm that person in word or action.
Beware of letting jealousy get a foothold in your life.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2017

What Made David Effective... 1Sam17

David was able to move faster than Goliath because David Carried no weapons or armor. David was expert marksman with a sling, and as he advanced on Goliath, he stayed out of range of Goliath's huge weapon. What made David effective, however, was more than his ability with a sling, it was his courage and his faith in God. To fight like David we need David's kind of fearlessness. David had grown strong in his confidence by trusting God when he had encountered wild animals while guarding his father's sheep.
When you face towering problems, recall how God has helped you in the past. Take heart because God goves you strength. Use the skills God has already given you and move forward.