Moses wanted to see God's glory. Because we are finite and morally imperfect, we cannot exist and see God as He is. But this was God's response. What is God's glory? It is His character, His nature, His way of relating to His creatures. Notice that God didnt give Moses a vision of His power and majesty, but rather of His love.
God's glory is revealed in His mercy, grace, compassion, faithfulness, forgiveness, and justice. God's love and mercy are truly wonderful, and we benefit from them. We can respond and give glory to God when our character resemble His.
To see God from behind means wa can only see where God has passed by. We can only know Him by what He does and how He acts. We cannot comprehend God as He really is a part from Jesus Christ. Jesus promised to show Himself to those who love Him.
Jumat, 30 Mei 2014
What is your favorit image of God?.. Exo32
Two popular Egyptian gods, Hapi and Hathor, were thought of as a bull. The Canaanites around them worshiped baal. Baal was their sacred symbol of power and fertility and was closely connected to immoral sexual practices. No doubt the Israelites, fresh from Egypt, found it quite natural to make a gold calf to represent the god that had just delivered them from their oppressors. They were weary of a god without a face. But in doing so, they were ignoring the command HE had just given them, "you must not make your self an idol of any kind". They may even have thought they were worshiping god. Their apparent sincerity was no subtitute for obidience or excuse for disobedience.
Even if we do not make idols, we are often guilty of trying to make God in our image, molding Him to fit our expectations, desires, and circumtances. When we do this , we end up worshiping ourselves rather than the God who created us--and selfworship, today as in the Israelites' time, lead to all kinds of immorality.
What is your favorit image of God? Is it biblical? Is it adequate? Do you need to destroy it in order to worship the immeasurably powerful God who delivered you from bondage to sin?
Even if we do not make idols, we are often guilty of trying to make God in our image, molding Him to fit our expectations, desires, and circumtances. When we do this , we end up worshiping ourselves rather than the God who created us--and selfworship, today as in the Israelites' time, lead to all kinds of immorality.
What is your favorit image of God? Is it biblical? Is it adequate? Do you need to destroy it in order to worship the immeasurably powerful God who delivered you from bondage to sin?
Rabu, 28 Mei 2014
The Lamb of God.. Exo24
To understand this unusual covenant ratification ceremony, we need to understand the bible's view of sin and forgiveness. God is the sovereign jugde of the universe. He is also absolutely holy. As the holy judge of all, He condemns sin and judges it worthy of death.
In the old Testament God accepted the death of an animal as a subtitute for the sinner. The animal's shed blood was proof that one life had been given for another. So in the one hand, blood symbolized the life that was spared as a result. Of course the death of the animal that brought forgiveness in the old Testament was only a temporary provision, looking forward to the death of Jesus Christ.
In this ceremony described here, Moses sprinkled half the blood from the sacrificed animals on the altar to show that the sinner could once again approach God because something had died in his place. He sprinkled the other half of the blood on the people to show that the penalty for their sin had been paid and they could be reunited with God. Though this symbolic act God's promises to Israel were reaffirmed, and lessons are taught to us about the future sacrificial death (atonement) of Jesus Christ.
In the old Testament God accepted the death of an animal as a subtitute for the sinner. The animal's shed blood was proof that one life had been given for another. So in the one hand, blood symbolized the life that was spared as a result. Of course the death of the animal that brought forgiveness in the old Testament was only a temporary provision, looking forward to the death of Jesus Christ.
In this ceremony described here, Moses sprinkled half the blood from the sacrificed animals on the altar to show that the sinner could once again approach God because something had died in his place. He sprinkled the other half of the blood on the people to show that the penalty for their sin had been paid and they could be reunited with God. Though this symbolic act God's promises to Israel were reaffirmed, and lessons are taught to us about the future sacrificial death (atonement) of Jesus Christ.
Jumat, 23 Mei 2014
The Ten Commandment and The Words of Jesus.. Exo20
(Exo20: 03 / Mat4:10) ; You must not have any other God but Me / You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.
(Exo20: 04 /Luk16:13) ; You must not make yourself an idol / No one can serve two masters.
(Exo20: 07 / Mat5:34) ; You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God / Dont make any vows! Dont say, 'by Heaven!' Because heaven is God's throne.
(Exo20: 08 / Mar2:27) ; Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy / The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So the Son of man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.
(Exo20:12 / Mat10:37) ; Honor your father and mother / If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you arent worthy of being Mine.
(Exo20:13 / Mat5:22) ; You must not murder / If you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgement!
(Exo20:14 / Mat5:28) ; You must not commit adultery / Anyone who even looks at woman with lust has already commited adultery with her in his heart.
(Exo20:15 / Mat5:40) ; You must not steal / If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
(Exo20/16 / Mat12:36) ; You must not testify falsely againts your neighbor / You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.
(Exo20:17 / Luk12:15) ; You must not covet / Guard against every kind of greed.
(Exo20: 04 /Luk16:13) ; You must not make yourself an idol / No one can serve two masters.
(Exo20: 07 / Mat5:34) ; You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God / Dont make any vows! Dont say, 'by Heaven!' Because heaven is God's throne.
(Exo20: 08 / Mar2:27) ; Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy / The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So the Son of man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.
(Exo20:12 / Mat10:37) ; Honor your father and mother / If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you arent worthy of being Mine.
(Exo20:13 / Mat5:22) ; You must not murder / If you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgement!
(Exo20:14 / Mat5:28) ; You must not commit adultery / Anyone who even looks at woman with lust has already commited adultery with her in his heart.
(Exo20:15 / Mat5:40) ; You must not steal / If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
(Exo20/16 / Mat12:36) ; You must not testify falsely againts your neighbor / You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.
(Exo20:17 / Luk12:15) ; You must not covet / Guard against every kind of greed.
Selasa, 20 Mei 2014
His First Commandment.. Exo20
The Israelites had just come from Egypt, a land of many idols. Because each god represented a different aspect of life , it was common to worship many gods in order to get maximum numbers of blessings.
When God told His people to worship and believe in Him, thats wasnt so hard for them--he was just one more god to add to the list. But when He said, 'you mustnt have any other god but Me', that was difficult for the people to accept. But if they didnt learn that God who led them out of Egypt wad the only true God, they couldnt be His people--no matter how faithfully they kept the other nine commandments. Thus, God made this His first commandment.
Today we can allow many things to become gods to us. Money, fame, work, or pleasure can become gods when we concentrate too much on them for personal identity, meaning, and security. No one sets out with the intention of worshiping these thing. But by the ammount of time we devote to them, they can grow into gods that ultimately control our thoughts and energies.
Letting God hold the central place in our lives keeps these things from turning into gods.
When God told His people to worship and believe in Him, thats wasnt so hard for them--he was just one more god to add to the list. But when He said, 'you mustnt have any other god but Me', that was difficult for the people to accept. But if they didnt learn that God who led them out of Egypt wad the only true God, they couldnt be His people--no matter how faithfully they kept the other nine commandments. Thus, God made this His first commandment.
Today we can allow many things to become gods to us. Money, fame, work, or pleasure can become gods when we concentrate too much on them for personal identity, meaning, and security. No one sets out with the intention of worshiping these thing. But by the ammount of time we devote to them, they can grow into gods that ultimately control our thoughts and energies.
Letting God hold the central place in our lives keeps these things from turning into gods.
Rabu, 14 Mei 2014
The Only True God.. Exo10
As each gloomy plague descended upon the land, the Egyptian people realized how powerless their own gods were to stop it.
Hapi, the god of Nile river, could not prevent the waters from turning to blood.
Hathor, the crafty cow-goddess, was helpless as Egyptian livestock died in droves.
Amon-Re, the sun-god and chief of the Egyptian gods, could not stop an eerie darkness from covering the land for three full days.
The Egyptian gods were ; not personal, centering around images like the sun or the river; numerous ; not exclusive ( any and all could be worshiped ).
By contrast, the God of the Hebrews was ; a living personal Being ; the only true God ; the only God who should be worshiped.
God was proving to both the Hebrews and the Egyptian that HE alone is the living and all-powerfull God.
Hapi, the god of Nile river, could not prevent the waters from turning to blood.
Hathor, the crafty cow-goddess, was helpless as Egyptian livestock died in droves.
Amon-Re, the sun-god and chief of the Egyptian gods, could not stop an eerie darkness from covering the land for three full days.
The Egyptian gods were ; not personal, centering around images like the sun or the river; numerous ; not exclusive ( any and all could be worshiped ).
By contrast, the God of the Hebrews was ; a living personal Being ; the only true God ; the only God who should be worshiped.
God was proving to both the Hebrews and the Egyptian that HE alone is the living and all-powerfull God.
Selasa, 13 Mei 2014
Pharaoh (satan) 'wise' advise.. Exo9
Do it tomorrow,.. Dont worry there are pleanty of time and chances, have a great time with your youth,
But do it here in this land,.. Dont have to leave your 'small' sin, after all we are chosen isnt by our deeds but only by grace,
Only men can go and worship the Lord your God,.. It doesnt really matter at all to teach your family (women and children), they are just follower,
Go and worship the Lord, but leave your flocks and herds,.. Are you going crazy?!? To leave the wealth and pleasure what the world can give you , just for a God whom you ever can see and touch.
God gave Pharaoh many oppurtunities to heed Moses' warnings. But finally God seemed to say, "all right, Pharaoh, have it your way" and Pharaoh's heart and overrule his free will?
No, HE simply confirmed that Pharaoh freely chose a life of resisting God. Similary, after a lifetime of resisting God, you may find it impossible to turn to HIM.
Dont wait until just the right time before turning to God. Do it now while you still have the chance. If you continually ignore God's voice, eventually you will be unable to hear it at all.
But do it here in this land,.. Dont have to leave your 'small' sin, after all we are chosen isnt by our deeds but only by grace,
Only men can go and worship the Lord your God,.. It doesnt really matter at all to teach your family (women and children), they are just follower,
Go and worship the Lord, but leave your flocks and herds,.. Are you going crazy?!? To leave the wealth and pleasure what the world can give you , just for a God whom you ever can see and touch.
God gave Pharaoh many oppurtunities to heed Moses' warnings. But finally God seemed to say, "all right, Pharaoh, have it your way" and Pharaoh's heart and overrule his free will?
No, HE simply confirmed that Pharaoh freely chose a life of resisting God. Similary, after a lifetime of resisting God, you may find it impossible to turn to HIM.
Dont wait until just the right time before turning to God. Do it now while you still have the chance. If you continually ignore God's voice, eventually you will be unable to hear it at all.
Jumat, 02 Mei 2014
Pray until something happen??.. Pdt. S. Tong
Doktrin of Prayer, doa itu ya minta apa aja sama Tuhan, teriak sekeras mungkin dan doa yang berapi-api? Omong kosong! Justru condong kurang ajar! Bayangkan jika engkau sedang menghadap presiden, lalu engkau bilang 'presiden tolong, kerjakan ini, kerjakan itu?' Lalu presiden akan menuruti maumu? Tidak! Presiden bisa panggil polisi untuk tertibkan kamu!
Conto lagi andai engkau bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus, engkau langsung berkata 'ooh Tuhan tolong! Aku beriman, sekarang juga sembuhkan saya!' Tuhan mungkin akan menjawab 'ehhh siapa kamu? berani memerintah Tuhan? Itu bukan doa, itu memaksa Allah dengan kegilaan emosi yang tidak terkontrol! Itu persis doa nabi palsu adalah doa yang paling ngotot, conto doa dari nabi baal, berteriak sambil menoreh-noreh tubuhnya hingga berlumuran darah, supaya lekas didengar oleh baal, lalu apakah baal bisa mengabulkan dengan mengirim api? Tidak!
Nabi Elia berdiri dipinggir berkata 'hey, kurang keras (nubuat palsu bikin malu para nabi palsu), allah mu tuli? allah mu lagi pergi? allah mu lagi ke wc? sementara tidak dengar? Keras lagi sedikit, para nabi baal betul-betul semangkin keras berteriak.. Tetap tidak ada suatu terjadi.
Lalu Elia berkata 'all the people of Israel,come to me',
(Orang-orang baru sadar dan kecewa ternyata nabi baal itu palsu, hanya menyatakan kegiatan manusia untuk memaksa Allah, mereka kira penyembahan yang makin tidak masuk akal adalah yang makin rohani.)
Lanjut Elia berkata 'God, the Lord of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, show to that people that You are God, and show to them also, i'm Your Prophet'
(Dengan ketenangan, kesungguhan hati dan doktrin yang benar yaitu mengutamakan kemuliaan Tuhan, Elia memanjatkan doa, dan Allah mengabulkan doa Elia, karena doa Elia sejalan dengan rencana Allah).
Sebelum Allah menjawab doa, Elia terlebih dahulu mempersembahkan korban air yang dikucurkan ke tanah yang pada jaman itu sangat bernilai melebihi emas dan permata, mungkin menurut orang yang melihat itu adalah tindakan gila, karena air yang terakhir seharusnya disimpan untuk raja, buat apa pemborosan? Elia teguh mempersembahkan yang terutama untuk pekerjaan Tuhan. Kemudian setelah air habis, Elia memohon supaya api turun, bukan instan minta air hujan (hal yang paling dibutuhkan umat, melainkan mengutamakan hal kemuliaan Tuhan/ konfirmasi dari rencana Tuhan).
Banyak orang kaya dukung pendeta yang tidak beres, karena apa? Karena hidupnya seperti berkembang, hidupnya seperti berbuah, sukses dan lancar seperti mereka diberkati makin oleh Tuhan? Ingat setan juga menawarkan kekayaan dan kuasa yang ujungnya adalah maut.
Conto lagi andai engkau bertemu dengan Tuhan Yesus, engkau langsung berkata 'ooh Tuhan tolong! Aku beriman, sekarang juga sembuhkan saya!' Tuhan mungkin akan menjawab 'ehhh siapa kamu? berani memerintah Tuhan? Itu bukan doa, itu memaksa Allah dengan kegilaan emosi yang tidak terkontrol! Itu persis doa nabi palsu adalah doa yang paling ngotot, conto doa dari nabi baal, berteriak sambil menoreh-noreh tubuhnya hingga berlumuran darah, supaya lekas didengar oleh baal, lalu apakah baal bisa mengabulkan dengan mengirim api? Tidak!
Nabi Elia berdiri dipinggir berkata 'hey, kurang keras (nubuat palsu bikin malu para nabi palsu), allah mu tuli? allah mu lagi pergi? allah mu lagi ke wc? sementara tidak dengar? Keras lagi sedikit, para nabi baal betul-betul semangkin keras berteriak.. Tetap tidak ada suatu terjadi.
Lalu Elia berkata 'all the people of Israel,come to me',
(Orang-orang baru sadar dan kecewa ternyata nabi baal itu palsu, hanya menyatakan kegiatan manusia untuk memaksa Allah, mereka kira penyembahan yang makin tidak masuk akal adalah yang makin rohani.)
Lanjut Elia berkata 'God, the Lord of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, show to that people that You are God, and show to them also, i'm Your Prophet'
(Dengan ketenangan, kesungguhan hati dan doktrin yang benar yaitu mengutamakan kemuliaan Tuhan, Elia memanjatkan doa, dan Allah mengabulkan doa Elia, karena doa Elia sejalan dengan rencana Allah).
Sebelum Allah menjawab doa, Elia terlebih dahulu mempersembahkan korban air yang dikucurkan ke tanah yang pada jaman itu sangat bernilai melebihi emas dan permata, mungkin menurut orang yang melihat itu adalah tindakan gila, karena air yang terakhir seharusnya disimpan untuk raja, buat apa pemborosan? Elia teguh mempersembahkan yang terutama untuk pekerjaan Tuhan. Kemudian setelah air habis, Elia memohon supaya api turun, bukan instan minta air hujan (hal yang paling dibutuhkan umat, melainkan mengutamakan hal kemuliaan Tuhan/ konfirmasi dari rencana Tuhan).
Banyak orang kaya dukung pendeta yang tidak beres, karena apa? Karena hidupnya seperti berkembang, hidupnya seperti berbuah, sukses dan lancar seperti mereka diberkati makin oleh Tuhan? Ingat setan juga menawarkan kekayaan dan kuasa yang ujungnya adalah maut.
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