(Exo20: 03 / Mat4:10) ; You must not have any other God but Me / You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.
(Exo20: 04 /Luk16:13) ; You must not make yourself an idol / No one can serve two masters.
(Exo20: 07 / Mat5:34) ; You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God / Dont make any vows! Dont say, 'by Heaven!' Because heaven is God's throne.
(Exo20: 08 / Mar2:27) ; Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy / The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath. So the Son of man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.
(Exo20:12 / Mat10:37) ; Honor your father and mother / If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you arent worthy of being Mine.
(Exo20:13 / Mat5:22) ; You must not murder / If you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgement!
(Exo20:14 / Mat5:28) ; You must not commit adultery / Anyone who even looks at woman with lust has already commited adultery with her in his heart.
(Exo20:15 / Mat5:40) ; You must not steal / If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
(Exo20/16 / Mat12:36) ; You must not testify falsely againts your neighbor / You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.
(Exo20:17 / Luk12:15) ; You must not covet / Guard against every kind of greed.
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