Similar to today's prevailing attitudes. But God has given us standards. HE hasnt left our conduct up to us and our oponions.
We can avoid conforming to society's low standards by taking God's commands seriously and applying them to life. Independence and self-reliance are positive traits, but only within the framework of God's standards.
Today, everyone seems to put his or her own interests first. Time has not changed human nature. Most people still reject God's right way of living. The people in Micah's time replaced the true worship of God with a homemade version of worship. As a result justice soon replaced by revenge and chaos.
Ignoring God's direction led to confusion and destruction. Anyone who hasnt submitted to God will end up doing whatever seems right at the time.
The tendency is present in all of us. To know what is really right and to have the strength to do it, we need to draw closer to God and HIS Word.