Minggu, 18 September 2016

Count on God's Provision to Step Up to Your Future.. 1Sam10

Israel's true king was God, but the nation was demanded another. Imagine wanting a human being instead of God as guide & leader! Throughout history, men and women have rejected God, and they continue to do it today. Are you rejecting God by pushing HIM aside and acknowledging someone or something else as your king or top priority? Learn from these stories of Israel's kings, and dont push God aside.
When the Israelites assembled to choose a king, Saul already knew he was the one. Instead coming forward, however, he hid among the baggage. Often we hide , from important responsibilities because we are affraid of failure, affraid of what others will think, or perhaps unsure about how to proceed. Prepare now to step up to your future responsibilities. Count on God's provision rather than your feelings of adequacy.

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

the Spirit even came upon unbelievers.. 1Sam10

Often we think that events 'just happen' to us, but as we learn from Saul, God may use common accurences to lead us where HE wants. It is important to evaluate all situations as potential 'divine appointments designed to shape our lives. Think of all good and bad circumtances that have affected you lately. Can you see God's purpose in them? Perhaps HE is building a certain quality in you or leading you to serve HIM in a new area.
How could Saul be so filled with the Spirit and yet later commit such evil acts? Throughout the Old Testament. God's Spirit 'came upon' a person temporarily so that God could use him / her for great acts. This was not always a permanent, abiding influence, but sometimes a temporary manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Yet, at times in the Old Testament, the Spirit even came upon unbelievers to enable them to do unusual tasks. The Holy Spirit gave the person power to do what God asked, but it dis not always produce the other fruits of the Spirit, such as self-control. Saul, in his early years as king, was a different person as a result of the Holy Spirit's work in him. But as Saul's power grew, so did his pride. After a while he refused to seek God, The Spirit left him, and his good attitude melted away.

Minggu, 11 September 2016

People Rejecting God as Their Leader.. 1Sam8

The people wanted to be like the neighboring nations. This is exactly what God didnt want. Having a kingwould make it easy to forget that God was their real leader. It was not wrong for Israel to want a king; God had mentioned the possibility in Deuteronomy 17. Yet , in reality, the people were rejecting God as their leader. The Israelites wanted laws. An army, and a human monarch in the place of God. They wanted to run the nation through human strength, even though only God's strength could make them flourish in the hostile land of Canaan.
The people clamored for a king, thinking that a new system of goverment would bring about a change in the nation. But because their basic problem was disobedience to God, their other problems would only continue under the new administration. What they needed was a unified faith, not only a uniform rule.
Had the Israelites submitted to God's leadership, they would have thrived beyond their expectations. Our obedience is weak if we ask God to lead our family or personal life but continue to live by the world's standarts and value. Faith in God must touch all the pRactical areas of life

Sabtu, 10 September 2016

Parenthood is an awesome responsibility.. 1Sam7

We dont know why Samuel's sons went wrong, but we do know Eli was held responsible for his own son's corruption. It is impossible to know if Samuel was a bad parent. His children were old enough to be on their own. We must be careful not to blame ourselves for the sins of our children. On the other hand, parenthood is an awesome responsibility, and nothing is more important than molding and shaping our children lives.
If your grown children are not following God, realize that you cant control them any longer, dont blame yourselves. But if your children are still in your care, know that what you do and teach can profoundly affect your children and lasts a lifetime.

Minggu, 04 September 2016

Lovely Foreign gods .. 1Sam7

Israel mourned, and sorrow gripped the nation for 20 years, The Ark was put away like an unwanted box in an attic, and it seemed as if the Lord had abandoned HIS people. Samuel,now a grown man, roused them to action by saying that if they were trully sorry, they should do something about it. 
How easy for us to complain about our problems, even to God, while we refuse to act, change, and do what HE requires. We dont even take the advice HE has already given us. Do you ever feel as if God has abandoned you? Check to see if there is anything HE has already told you to do. You may not receive new guidance from God until you have acted on HIS previous direction.
Samuel urged the Israelites to get rid of their foreign gods. Idols today are much more than subtle than gods of wood and stone, but they are just as dangerous. Whatever holds first place in our lives or controls us is our god. Money, success, material goods, pride, or anything else can be an idol if it takes tha place of God in our lives.
The Lord alone is worthy of our service and worship, and we must let nothing rival HIM. If we have 'foreign gods', we need to ask God to help us dethrone them, making the true God our first priority