How easy for us to complain about our problems, even to God, while we refuse to act, change, and do what HE requires. We dont even take the advice HE has already given us. Do you ever feel as if God has abandoned you? Check to see if there is anything HE has already told you to do. You may not receive new guidance from God until you have acted on HIS previous direction.
Samuel urged the Israelites to get rid of their foreign gods. Idols today are much more than subtle than gods of wood and stone, but they are just as dangerous. Whatever holds first place in our lives or controls us is our god. Money, success, material goods, pride, or anything else can be an idol if it takes tha place of God in our lives.
The Lord alone is worthy of our service and worship, and we must let nothing rival HIM. If we have 'foreign gods', we need to ask God to help us dethrone them, making the true God our first priority
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