Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Remember to Thank God for the Quiet Blessings.. Deu8

Its usually easy for us to take God's protection for granted. We seldom take notice or thank God when our car doesnt breakdown, our clothes dont rip, or our tools dont break. 
The people of Israel failed to take notice, it seems, for they didnt even notice 40 years wandering, without lack of anything. Thus, they didnt remember to give thanks to God for their blessings.
Also In times of plenty, we often take credit for our prosperity and become proud that our own hard work and cleverness have made us rich. It is easy to get so busy collecting and managing wealth that we push God right out of our lives. But it is God who asks us to manage it for Him.

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

People dont live by the bread alone, rather we Live by the Word of God.. Deu8

Jesus quoted this verse when the devil tempted HIM to turn stones into bread. Many people think that life is based on satisfying their appetites. 
If they can earn enough money to dress, eat, and play in high style, they think they are living 'the good life'. But such things dont satisfy our deepest longings. In the end they leave us empty and dissatisfied.
Real life, according to Moses, comes from total commitment to God and living by every Word that comes from HIM. 
How can we live by HIS Word? 
1) Recognize our need for it
2) Agree that God alone can truly satisfy us
3) Pray for God's presence, wisdom, and direction as we read
4) Savor the relationship you have with HIM through Christ
5) Pratice what HE teaches you

One Day at a Time.. Deu7

Moses told the Israelites that God would destroy Israel's enemy, but not all at once. God had the power to destroy those nations instantly, but HE chose to do it in stages, little by little. In the same way and with the same power, God could miraculously and instantaneously change your life.
Usually, however, HE chooses to help you gradually, teaching you one lesson at a time.
Rather than expecting instant spiritual maturity and solutions to all your problems, slow down and work one step at a time, trusting God to make up the difference between where you should be and where you are now. You'll soon look back and see that a miraculous transformation has occurred.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Kasih Setia NYA bagi Orang yang Patuh dan Taat kepada NYA.. Ul7

Bukan karena lebih banyak jumlahmu dari bangsa manapun juga, maka hati TUHAN terpikat olehmu dan memilih kamu--bukankah kamu ini yang paling kecil dari segala bangsa? --
tetapi karena TUHAN mengasihi kamu dan memegang sumpah-Nya yang telah diikrarkan-Nya kepada nenek moyangmu, maka TUHAN telah membawa kamu keluar dengan tangan yang kuat dan menebus engkau dari rumah perbudakan, dari tangan Firaun, raja Mesir.
Sebab itu haruslah kauketahui, bahwa TUHAN, Allahmu, Dialah Allah, Allah yang setia, yang memegang perjanjian dan kasih setia-Nya terhadap orang yang kasih kepada-Nya dan berpegang pada perintah-Nya, sampai kepada beribu-ribu keturunan,
tetapi terhadap diri setiap orang dari mereka yang membenci Dia, Ia melakukan pembalasan dengan membinasakan orang itu. Ia tidak bertangguh terhadap orang yang membenci Dia. Ia langsung mengadakan pembalasan terhadap orang itu.
Jadi berpeganglah pada perintah, yakni ketetapan dan peraturan yang kusampaikan kepadamu pada hari ini untuk dilakukan."

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

God is too 'nice' to judge sin would be to underestimate HIM... Deu7

God told Isrealites to completely destroy their enemies. How can a God of love and mercy wipe out everyone, even children?
Although God is loving and merciful, HE is also just. These enemy nations were as much a part of God's creation as Israel was, and God doesnt allow evil to continue unchecked. God had punished Israel by keeping out of the Promised Land all those who had disobey.
The command to destroy these nations was both a judgment and a safety measure. On one hand, the people living in the land were being judged for their sin, and Israel was God's instrument of judgment--just as God would one day use other nations to judge Israel for its sin. On the other hand, God's command was designed to protect the nation of Israel from being ruined by the idolatry and immorality of its enemies.