Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Kasih adalah Ujian Akhir dari Agama.. Billiy K,. Aku, Diriku dan Kebajikan

Kasih itu menerima. Salah satu kesulitan dalam kehidupan manusia adalah tidak bisa saling menerima mengapa? Karena kita selalu mendapati bahwa sesama kita memiliki kelemahan yang kita tidak suka, yang mengganggu kita. Namun, jangan lupa , kita pun memiliki kelemahan yang mengganggu orang lain. Orang yang hanya peka atas ketergangguaan pribaidnya saja sesungguhnya belum memiliki kedewasaan dalam kerohaniannya. Sebailknya mereka dapat menerima sesamanya bukan karena menyenangkan, namun karena kekuatan kasih Allah terlebih dahulu menerima dia.
Jika Allah saja menerima, masakan kita tidak menerima? Dan bukan hanya itu, kita sendiri juga diterima Allah bersama dengan segala kekurangan kita, mengapa kita tidak mau menerima orang lain dengan kekurangan mereka? Mereka yang sulit menerima sesamanya hanya menyatakan betapa dangkalnya pemahaman diri mereka tentang penerimaan Tuhan atas diri mereka sendiri.
Kasih mencapai kepenuhannya melalui pengampunan. Hanya kasih yang telah menjelajah ke hati yang terluka dapat disebut sebagai kasih yang sesungguhnya.
Yesus bukan hanya terluka, DIA bahkan mati di atas kayu salib. Di situ Allah menyatakan kasih NYA kepada kita, bukan karena kita hidup berbakti kepada NYA, melainkan dalam keadaan kita membunuh Yesus. Ya, dosa-dosa kita telah membunuh Yesus di atas kayu salib! Allah menyatakan kasihNYA kepada kita ketika kita masih berdosa. Inilah yang disebut dengan kasih pengampunan.
Kalau kita belum terluka, kasih kita belum teruji kedalaman serta keluasannya. Banyak orang mengasihi orang yang juga mengasihi dia sendiri. Bagi Alkitab, ini bukanlah gambaran orang percaya melainkan praktik orang kafir. Orang percaya menyatakan kasihnya ketika ia sanggup mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepadanya. Kuasa pengampunan mendekatkan kita dalam persekutuan dengan Yesus Kristus. Disitu kita menjadi satu dalam persekutuan penderitaan Kristus.
Akhirnya, Drummond mengatakan bahwa ujian akhir dari agama bukanlah keagamaan itu sendiri, melainkan kasih. Injil mengatakan bahwa bukan mereka yang berseru "Tuhan, Tuhan!" yang akan masuk kedalam kerajaan Surga, melainkan mereka yang melakukan kehendak Allah. Dan kehendak Allah adalah supaya kita hidup saling mengasihi satu kepada yang lain.
Sikap keagamaan bisa dipalsukan agama bahkan bisa menjauhkan kita dari tindakan mengasihi. Namun mereka yang memiliki kasi yang sejati , tidak mungkin tidak beragama. Karena kasih seperti itu hanya mungkin diperoleh melalui sumber yang lebih tinggi, yang didalam diri NYA telah dinyatakan tindakan kasih yang teragung sepanjang sejarah manusia: Allah mengorbankan Anak NYA sendiri untuk menebus dan membebaskan kita dari kuasa dosa dan kuasa diri.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Dari Iman dan Memimpin Kepada Iman.. Billy K

Apakah ini berarti kita mulai dari iman natural menuju kepada iman yang supernatural? Atau iman sederhana menuju kepada iman yang semakin lama semakin dalam?
Calvin mengatakan bahwa ketika iman kita mengalami kemajuan, maka kebenaran Allah juga bertambah dalam diri kita dan kepemilikan kita atas kebenaran itu semakin diteguhkan.
Penekanan Calvin disini bukanlah pada iman kita yang semakin lama semakin besar, namun pada fakta objektif bahwa kebenaran Allah menjadi semakin nyata dalam hidup kita.
Kita perlu berhati hati dengan kecenderungan spiritualitas yang menekankan pentingnya iman dan akhirnya bukan membawa orang kepada pemahaman akan Allah yang semakin besar, melainkan iman yang semakin besar.
Corrie ten Boom mengatakan kita bukan membutuhkan iman yang besar, melainkan iman kepada Allah yang Mahabesar. Kita tidak dipanggil untuk melihat kepada Tuhan Yesus. Kita tidak beriman kepada iman itu sendiri melainkan beriman kepada Allah. 
Iman hanyalah alat anugerah. Instrumen, yang melaluinya kita melihat kemahabesaran Allah yang sedang bekerja melalui kita.
Iman adalah percaya atas kesetiaan Allah. Kesetiaan Allah akan mendorong kita untuk tetap beriman (tetap setia kepada Allah).

Billy K., Aku, Diriku, dan Kebajikan.

Senin, 12 Desember 2016

A Difference Perspective.. 1Sam17

What a difference perspective can make. Most of the onlookers saw only a giant. David, however, saw a mortal man defying almighty God. Goliath was a target too big to miss. He knew he would not be alone when he faced Goliath; God would fight with him. He looked at his situation from God's point of view. Who or what are the giants are you facing? Viewing impossible situations from God's point of view helps us put giant problems in perspective. Once we see clearly, we can fight more effectively.
Critism couldnt stop David. While the rest of the army stood aroung, he knew the importance of taking action. With God to fight for him, there wasno reason to wait. People may try to discourage you with negative comments or mockery, but continue to do what you know is right. By doing what is right, you will pleasing God, whose opinion matters most.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice.. 1Sam15

Saul thought he had won a great victory over the amalekites, but God saw it as a great failure because Saul had disobey HIM and then lied to Samuel about the result of the battle. Saul may have thought his lie wouldnt be detected, or that he did was not wrong, Saul was deceiving himself.
Dishonest people soon begin to believe your own lies, you deceive yourself, you alienate yourself from God, and you lose credibility in all your relationships, in the long run, honesty wins out.
Obedience is better than sacrifice, was Samuel saying that sacrifice is unimportant?
No, he was urging Saul to look at his reasons for making the sacrifice itself. A sacrifice was a ritual transaction between a person and God that physically demonstrated a relationship between them. But if the person's heart was not trully repentant or if he did not trully love God, the sacrifice was a hollow ritual. Religious ceremonies or rituals are empty unless they are performed with an attitude of love and obedience.
Being religious (going to church, serving a committee, giving to charity) is not enough if we do not act out of devotion and obedience to God.

Selasa, 15 November 2016

When God Said He Was Sorry, Was He Made a Mistake?.. 1Sam15

When God said HE was sorry that HE had made Saul king, HE was saying HE had made a mistake? 
God's comment was an expression of sorrow, not an admission of error. An omniscient God cannot make a mistake; therefore, God did not change His mind. HE did, however, change HIS attitude toward Saul when Saul changed. Saul's heart no longer bellonged to God but to his own interest.
Saul thought he had won a great victory over the Amalekites, but God saw it as a great failure because Saul had disobeyed HIM and then lied to Samuel about the result of the battle. Saul may have thought his lie would not be detected, or that what he did was not wrong. Saul was deceiving himself.
Dishonest people soon, begin to believe the lies they construct aroung themselves. Then they lose the ability to tell the difference between truth and lies. By believing your own lies, you deceive yourself, you allienate yourself from God, and you lose credibility in all your relationships. In the long run, honesty wins out.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Why Sometimes Ungodly People Win Battles?.. 1Sam14

Why was Saul so successful right after he had disobeyed God and been told that his reign would end. Sometimes ungodly people win the battles. Victory is neither guaranteed nor limited to the righteous. God provides according to HIS will. God might have given Saul success for the sake of the people, not for Saul. HE may have left Saul on the throne for a while to utilize his military talents so that David, Israel's next king, could spend more time focusing on the nation's spiritual battles. Regardless of God's reasons for delaying Saul's demise, his reign ended exactly the way God had foretold. The timing of God's plans and promises id known only to HIM. Our task is to commit our ways to God and then trust HIM for the outcome.

Minggu, 06 November 2016

Courage to Admit a Mistake.. 1Sam14

After being King for several years, Saul finally built his first altar to God, but only as a last resort. Throughout Saul's reign he consistently approached God only after he had tried everything else. This was in sharp contrast to the priest, who suggested that God be consulted first. How much better if Saul had gone to God first, building an altar as his first official act as king. God is to great to be an afterthought. 
Saul made foolish vows because he was overly anxious to defeat the Philistines and wanted to give his soldiers an incentive to finish the batlle quickly. God never asked people to make vows, but if they did, HE expected them to keep them.
Saul had issued a ridiculous command and had driven his men to sin. But still he wouldnt back down even if he had to kill his son. When we make ridiculous statements, it is difficult to admit we are wrong. Sticking to the story, just to save face, only compounds the problem. It takes more courage to admit a mistake than to hold resolutely to an error.

Sabtu, 05 November 2016

God is never intimidate by the size or the complexity of a problem.. 1Sam14

Why would Jonathan go alone to attack the Philistines? Jonathan may have been weary of long, hopeless standoff in the battle; he trusted God to give the victory and wanted to act on that trust. He also knew that the number of Philistines was no problem for God. Perhaps he didnt tell his father about his mission because he thought Saul would not lethim go.
Jonathan and his armor bearer were not much of a force to attack the huge philistines army. But while everyone else was afraid and brave action of these two men with a tremendous victory.
Have you ever felt surrounded by the enemy or faced overwhelming odds? God is never intimidated by the size of the enemy or the complexity of a problem. With HIM, there are always enough resources you have to God, and rely upon you to victory.

Rabu, 02 November 2016

God uses delays to test our obedience and patience.. 1Sam13

Rather than waiting for a priest, Saul offered the sacrifice himself. This was againts God's laws. Under pressure from the approaching Philistines, he took matters into his own hands and disobeyed God. He was doing a good thing , but he did it in the wrong way. 
Like Saul, our true spiritual character is revealed under pressure. The methods we use to accomplish our goals are as important as the attainment of those goals.
It is difficult to trust God when you feel your resources slipping away. When Saul felt that the time was running out, he became impatient with God's timing. In thinking that the ritual was all he needed, he substituted the ritual for faith in God. 
When faced with a difficult decision, dont allow impatience to drive you to disobey God. When you know what God's wants, follow HIS plan regardless of the consequences. God often uses delays to test our obedience and patience.
Saul had plenty of excuses for his disobedience. But Samuel zeroed in on the real issue. "you have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you". Like Saul, we often gloss over our mistakes and sins, trying to justify our actions because of our 'special' circumstances. Our excuses, however, are nothing more than disobedience. 
God knows our true motive, HE forgives, restores, and blesses only when we are honest about our sins. By trying to hide his sins behind excuses, Saul lost his kingship.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Growing Pride Left Unchecked.. 1Sam13

Jonathan attacked and destroyed the Philistine outpost, but Saul took all the credit for it. Although this was normal in that culture, it didnt make his action right. Saul's growing pride started out small--taking credit for a battle that was won by his son. Left unchecked, his pride grew into an ugly obssession, thus, it destroyed him, tore his family apart, and threatened the wellbeing of the nation.
Taking credit for the accomplishments of other indicates that pride is controlling your life. When you notice pride taking a foothold, take immediate steps to put it in check by giving credit to those who deserve it.

Minggu, 18 September 2016

Count on God's Provision to Step Up to Your Future.. 1Sam10

Israel's true king was God, but the nation was demanded another. Imagine wanting a human being instead of God as guide & leader! Throughout history, men and women have rejected God, and they continue to do it today. Are you rejecting God by pushing HIM aside and acknowledging someone or something else as your king or top priority? Learn from these stories of Israel's kings, and dont push God aside.
When the Israelites assembled to choose a king, Saul already knew he was the one. Instead coming forward, however, he hid among the baggage. Often we hide , from important responsibilities because we are affraid of failure, affraid of what others will think, or perhaps unsure about how to proceed. Prepare now to step up to your future responsibilities. Count on God's provision rather than your feelings of adequacy.

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

the Spirit even came upon unbelievers.. 1Sam10

Often we think that events 'just happen' to us, but as we learn from Saul, God may use common accurences to lead us where HE wants. It is important to evaluate all situations as potential 'divine appointments designed to shape our lives. Think of all good and bad circumtances that have affected you lately. Can you see God's purpose in them? Perhaps HE is building a certain quality in you or leading you to serve HIM in a new area.
How could Saul be so filled with the Spirit and yet later commit such evil acts? Throughout the Old Testament. God's Spirit 'came upon' a person temporarily so that God could use him / her for great acts. This was not always a permanent, abiding influence, but sometimes a temporary manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Yet, at times in the Old Testament, the Spirit even came upon unbelievers to enable them to do unusual tasks. The Holy Spirit gave the person power to do what God asked, but it dis not always produce the other fruits of the Spirit, such as self-control. Saul, in his early years as king, was a different person as a result of the Holy Spirit's work in him. But as Saul's power grew, so did his pride. After a while he refused to seek God, The Spirit left him, and his good attitude melted away.

Minggu, 11 September 2016

People Rejecting God as Their Leader.. 1Sam8

The people wanted to be like the neighboring nations. This is exactly what God didnt want. Having a kingwould make it easy to forget that God was their real leader. It was not wrong for Israel to want a king; God had mentioned the possibility in Deuteronomy 17. Yet , in reality, the people were rejecting God as their leader. The Israelites wanted laws. An army, and a human monarch in the place of God. They wanted to run the nation through human strength, even though only God's strength could make them flourish in the hostile land of Canaan.
The people clamored for a king, thinking that a new system of goverment would bring about a change in the nation. But because their basic problem was disobedience to God, their other problems would only continue under the new administration. What they needed was a unified faith, not only a uniform rule.
Had the Israelites submitted to God's leadership, they would have thrived beyond their expectations. Our obedience is weak if we ask God to lead our family or personal life but continue to live by the world's standarts and value. Faith in God must touch all the pRactical areas of life

Sabtu, 10 September 2016

Parenthood is an awesome responsibility.. 1Sam7

We dont know why Samuel's sons went wrong, but we do know Eli was held responsible for his own son's corruption. It is impossible to know if Samuel was a bad parent. His children were old enough to be on their own. We must be careful not to blame ourselves for the sins of our children. On the other hand, parenthood is an awesome responsibility, and nothing is more important than molding and shaping our children lives.
If your grown children are not following God, realize that you cant control them any longer, dont blame yourselves. But if your children are still in your care, know that what you do and teach can profoundly affect your children and lasts a lifetime.

Minggu, 04 September 2016

Lovely Foreign gods .. 1Sam7

Israel mourned, and sorrow gripped the nation for 20 years, The Ark was put away like an unwanted box in an attic, and it seemed as if the Lord had abandoned HIS people. Samuel,now a grown man, roused them to action by saying that if they were trully sorry, they should do something about it. 
How easy for us to complain about our problems, even to God, while we refuse to act, change, and do what HE requires. We dont even take the advice HE has already given us. Do you ever feel as if God has abandoned you? Check to see if there is anything HE has already told you to do. You may not receive new guidance from God until you have acted on HIS previous direction.
Samuel urged the Israelites to get rid of their foreign gods. Idols today are much more than subtle than gods of wood and stone, but they are just as dangerous. Whatever holds first place in our lives or controls us is our god. Money, success, material goods, pride, or anything else can be an idol if it takes tha place of God in our lives.
The Lord alone is worthy of our service and worship, and we must let nothing rival HIM. If we have 'foreign gods', we need to ask God to help us dethrone them, making the true God our first priority

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Are We Seeing God's Favor As Only An Ingredient Of The Good Life?.. 1Sam6

Dagon was the chief god of the philistines, whom they believe sent rain and assure a bountiful harvest. But the Philistines, like most of their pagan neighbors, worshiped many gods. The more gods they could have on their side, the more secure they felt. That was why they wanted the Ark, thinking that if it helped the Israelites, it could help them too. But when the people living nearby began to get sock and die, the Philistines realized that the Ark was not a good omen. It was a source of greater power than they ever seen--power they could not control.
The Philistines acknowledged the existence of the Hebrew god, but only as one of many deities whose favor they sought. Thinking of God in this way made it easy for them to ignore HIS demand that people worship HIM alone. 
Many people "worship" God this way. They see God as just one ingredient in a successful life. But God is far more than an ingredient--HE is the source of life itself. Are you a "Philistine" seeing God's favor as only an ingredient of the good life?

Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Dont let your desire cause you to neglect you family.. 1Sam3

Eli had spent his entire life in service to God. His responsibility was to eversee all the worship in Israel. But in pursuing this great mission he neglected the responsibilities in his own home. Dont let your desire to do God's work cause you to neglect your family. If you do, your mission may degenerate into a quest for personal importance, and your family will suffer the consequences of your neglect.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Ignoring the sins.. 1Sam2

Eli's sons took advantage of their position to satisfy their lust for power, possessions, and control. Eli knew that his sons were evil, but he did little to correct or stop them, even when the integrity of God's sanctuary was threatened. As the high priest, Eli should have responded by executing his sons. No wonder he chose not to confront the situation. But by ignoring their selfish actions, Eli let his sons ruin their own lives and others. 
There was time when serious problems must be confronted, even if the process and consequences could be painful.
Eli's son knew better, but they continued to disobey God deliberatelty by cheating, seducing, and robbing the people. Therefore, God planned to kill them. Any sin is wrong, but sin carried out deliberately and deceitfully is the worst kind. When sin carried out ignorance, we deserve punishment. But when we sin intentionally, the consequences will be more severe. Dont ignore God's warnings about sin. Abandon sin before it become a way of life.
Eli had a difficult time rearing his sons. He apparently didnt take any strong diciplinary action with them when he became aware of their wrongdoing. But Eli wasnt just a father trying to handle his rebellious sons, he was the high priest ignoring the sins of priest under his jurisdiction. As a result, the Lord took the necessaray disciplinary action that Eli wont.
Eli was guilty of honoring his sons above God by letting them continue in their sinful ways. Is there a situation in you life, family, or work that you allow to continue even though you know it is wrong? If so, you may become as guilty as those engaged in the wrong act.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

God is all-knowing and Judge all sin and pride.. 1Sam2

No doubt as Hannah said these words, she was thinking of Peninnah's arrogance and chiding. Hannah didnt have to get even with Peninnah, she knew that God is all-knowing and that HE will judge all sin and pride. Hannah wisely left judgment up to God.
Resist the temptation to take justice into your own hands. God will weigh your deeds as well as the deeds of those who have wronged you.
Because we live in a world where evil abounds and where war and terrorism always threaten, we may forget that God as 1) Solid as a Rock, 2) The One who knows what we do 3) Sovereign over all the affairs of people 4) The Supreme Judge who administers perfect justice.
Remembering God's sovereign control helps us put both world and personal events in perspective.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

God is Always Present.. 1Sam2

Hannah praised God for HIS answer to her prayer for a son. The theme of her poetic prayer is her confidence in God's sovereignty and her thankfulness for everything HE had done. We should be confident of God's ultimate control over the events in our lives, and we should be thankful for the ways God has blessed us. By praising God for all good gift, we acknowledge HIS ultimate control over all the affairs of life.
Hannah praised God for being a Rock-firm, strong, and unchanging. In our fast-paced world, friends come and go, and circumtances change. Its difficult to find a solid foundation that will not change. Those who devote their lives to achievements, causes, or possessions have as their secutiry that which is finite and changeable. The possessions that work so hard to obtain will all pass away. But God is always present. Hope in HIM, HE will never fail.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

The Antidote for Discouragement.. 1Sam1

Earlier Hannah had been discouraged to the point of being physically sick and unable to eat. At this point, she returned home well and happy. The change in her attitude may be attributed to three factors
1) she honestly prayed to God
2) she received encouragement from Eli
3) she resolved to leave the problem with God
This is the antidote for discouragement; tell God how you really feel and leave your problem with HIM. Then rely upon the support of good friends and counselors.
To do what she promised, Hannah gave up what she wanted most-her son-and presented him to Eli to serve in the house of the Lord. In dedicating her only son to God, Hannah was dedicating her entire life and future to God. Because Samuel's life was from God, Hannha wasnot really giving him up. Rather, she was returning him to God, who had given Samuel to Hannah in the first place. These verses illustrate the kinds of gifts we should give to God. Do your gifts cost you a little ( sunday mornings, a comfortable tithe) , or are they gifts of sacrifice? are you presenting God with tokens, or are you presenting HIM with your entire life?

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Enjoy The Loving Relationships God Has Given-Exchange Selfpity for Hope.. 1Sam1

Hannah knew her husband loved her, but even his encouragement could not comfort her. She could not keep listening to Peninnah's jeers and letting Peninnah words erode her self confidence. Although we can not keep others from unjustly criticizing us, we can choose how we will react to their hurtful words. Rather than dwelling upon our problems, we can enjoy the loving relationships God has given us. By doing so, we can exchange self-pity for hope.
Hannah had good reason to feel discouraged and bitter. She was unable to bear children; she shared her husband with a woman who ridiculed her; her loving husband could not solve her problem; and even the high priest misunderstood her motives. But instead of retaliating or giving up hope, Hannah prayed. She brought her problem honestly before God.
Each of us may face times of barrenness when nothing 'comes to birth' in our work, service, or relationships, it is dificult to pray in faith when we feel so ineffective. But as Hannah discovered, prayer opens the way for God to work.

Why did Polygamy Exist among God's People?.. 1Sam1

Although many great Old Testament leaders had more than one wife, this was not original intention for marriage (two people become one flesh). Why did the polygamy exist among God's people? First, it was to produce more offspring to helpin a man's work to assure the continuation of a man's family line. Second, in societies where many young men killed in battle, polygamy became an accepted way of supporting women who otherwise would have remained unmarriage and very likely, destitute. Nevertheless, polygamy often caused serious family problems, as we see in this story of Hannah and Peninnah.
Part of God's plan for Hannah involved postponing her years of childbearing. While Peninnah and Elkanah looked at Hannah's outward circumstances. God was moving ahead with HIS plan. Think of those in your world who are struggling with God's timing in answering their prayer and who need your love and help. By supporting those who are struggling, you may help them remain steadfast in their faith and confident in HIS timing to bring fulfillment to their lives.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Even in Our Sorrow and Calamity, God can Bring Great Blessings.. Ruth

There was almost nothing worse than being a widow in the ancient world. Widows were taken advantage of or ignored. There were almost always poverty stricken. God's law therefore, provided that the nearest relative of the dead husband should care for the widow.
Naomi had experienced severe hardships. She had left Israel married and secure; she returned widowed and poor. Naomi had felt bitter , but her faith in God was still alive, and she praised God for Boaz's kindness to Ruth. In her sorrow she still trusted God and acknowledges HIS goodness.
Ruth's love for her mother in law was known and recognized throughout the town. God's preparations for the births of David and of Jesus, the promised Mesias. Just as Ruth was unaware of this larger purpose in her life, we will not know the full purpose and importance of our lives. 
Live in the faithfulness to God, knowing that the significance of your life will extend beyond you lifetime. The rewards will outweigh any sacrifice you may have made.

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

They Justified Wrong Actions to Correct Past Mistakes.. Judges 20

Perhaps the leader of the tribe of Benjamin had been given distorted facts about the serious crime in their territory, or perhaps they were too proud to admit that some of their people had stooped so low. In either case, they would not listen to the rest of Israel and hand over the accused criminals. They were more loyal to their own tribe than to God's law.
By covering for their kinsmen, the entire tribe of Benjamin sank to a level of immorality as low as that of the criminals. Through this act, we get a glimpse of how thoroughly the nation's moral fabric had unraveled. The time period of the judges ends in a bloody civil war that sets the stages for the spiritual renewal to come under Samuel.
The Israelites moved from one mess to another. Because of a rash vow made in the heat of emotion, here they destroyed another town. The Israelites probably justified their action with the following argument:
1) an oath could not be broken
2) because all the women from Benjamin had been killed, the few remaining men needed wives to prevent the tribe from disappearing. To spare the unmarried women from Jabesh-Gilead seemed the right solution.
We donot know all the circumtances behind the brutal massacre at Jabesh-gilead, but it seems that the rest of Israel followed Benjamin pattern. They put tribal loyalties above God's commands, and they justified wrong actions to correct past mistakes.

when social protocol carries more authority than moral convictions!.. Judges19

Nowhere is the unwritten law of hospitality stronger than in the Middle East. Protecting a guest at any cost ranked at the top of a man's code of honor. But here the hospitality code turned to fanaticism. The rape and abuse of a daughter and companion were preferable to the possibility of a conflict between a guest and a neighbor.
The two men were selfish (they didnt want to get hurt themself); they lack courage (they didnt want to face a conflict even when lives were at stake); and they disobeyed God's law (they allowed deliberate abuse and murder). What Drastic consequences can result when social protocol carries more authority than moral convictions!

Is it True that wealth, pupolarity, or lack of suffering is an Indication of God's Blessing.. Judges18

Micah made idols and hired a priest to run his personal religion. When the men of Dan took his idols and priest, nothing remained. What an empty spiritual condition! An idols is anything that takes God's place in a person's life. Some people invest all their energy in pursuit of money, success, possessions, or a career. If these idols are taken away, only an empty shell is left.
The only way to protect yourself against such loss is to invest your life in the living God, whom you can never lose.
Just because the Danites successfully defeated Laish doesnt mean their action were right. Their idolatry showed that God wasnt guiding them. Today many justify their wrong actions by outward signs of successs. They think that wealth, pupolarity. Or lack of suffering is an indication of God's blessing. But many stories in the Bible indicate that evil and earthly success can go hand in hand.
Success doesnt indicate God's approval. Dont allow personal success to become a measuring rod of whether or not you are pleasing God.

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2016

Dating the Church.. Judges18

Apparently the israelites no longer supported the priests and levites with their tithes because so many of the people no longer worship God. The young Levite probably left his home in Bethlehem because not enough money. But israel's moral decay effected even the priest, this levite accepted money, idols, and position in a way that was inconsistent with God's laws. 
Through this entire incident, no one desired to worship God; instead they wanted to use God for selfish gain. Today some people go to church to feel better, be accepted, relieve guilt, and gain business contacts or friend.

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

The People did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.. Judges17

Micah seemed to be good and moral and may have sincerely desired to worship God, but they disobeyed God by following their own desires instead of doing what God wanted.
Similar to today's prevailing attitudes. But God has given us standards. HE hasnt left our conduct up to us and our oponions. 
We can avoid conforming to society's low standards by taking God's commands seriously and applying them to life. Independence and self-reliance are positive traits, but only within the framework of God's standards.
Today, everyone seems to put his or her own interests first. Time has not changed human nature. Most people still reject God's right way of living. The people in Micah's time replaced the true worship of God with a homemade version of worship. As a result justice soon replaced by revenge and chaos.
Ignoring God's direction led to confusion and destruction. Anyone who hasnt submitted to God will end up doing whatever seems right at the time.
The tendency is present in all of us. To know what is really right and to have the strength to do it, we need to draw closer to God and HIS Word.

Minggu, 17 Juli 2016

Sin Keep Us Away From Feeling Like Praying.. Judges16

In spite of Samson's past, God still answered his prayer and destroyed the pagan temple and worshipers. God still loved him. HE was willing to hear Samson's prayer of confession and repentance and use him this final time.
One of the effects of sin in our lives is to keep us from feeling like praying. But perfect moral behavior is not a condition for prayer. Dont let guilty feelings over sin keep you from your only means of restoration. 
No matter how long you have been away from God, HE is ready to hear from you and restore you to a right relationship. 
Every situation can be salvaged if you are willing to turn again to HIM. If God could still work in Samson's situation, HE can certainly make something worthwhile out of yours

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2016

How can you keep desire for love and sexual pleasure.. Judges16

Samson was deceived because he wanted to believe Delilah's lies. Although he could strangle a lion, he could not smother his burning lust and see Delilah for who she really was.
How can you keep your desire for love and sexual pleasure from deceiving you? 
1) you must decide what kind of a person you will love before passion takes over. Determine whether a person's character and faith in God are as desirable as his or her physical appearance.
2) because most of the time you spend with your spouse will not involve sex, your companion's personality, temperament, and commitment to solve problems must be as gratifying as his or her kisses.
3) be patient, time and observation often reveal what is beneath the pleasant appearance and attentive touch.

Revenge is an Uncontrollable Monster.. Judges15

Samson reply tells the story of this chapter "i only did to them what they did to me" Revenge is an uncontrollable monster. Each act of retaliation brings another. It is a boomerang that cannot be thrown without cost to the thrower. The revenge cycle can be halted only by forgiveness.
The Lord's strength came upon Samson, but he was proud and boasted only of his strength "with the jawbone of a donkey (instead worship God).. I've killed a thousand men!" He said. Pride can cause us to take credit for work we've done only because of God's strength.

Special Gift Wasted for Selfish Purposes.. Judges14

Because Samson wasted his strength on practical jokes and getting out of scrapes, and because he eventually gave it up altogether to satisfy the woman he loved, we tend to see him as a failure. We remember him as the judge in Israel who spent his last days grinding grain in an enemy prison, and we say "what wasted potential"
Yes, Samson wasted his life. He could have strengthened his nation. He could have returned his people to the worship of God. He could have wiped out Philistines. But even though he did none of those things. Samson still accomplished the purpose announced by the angel who visited his parents before his birth. In his final act, Samson began to rescue Israel from the Philistines.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

Negative Thinking Often Cost Dearly.. Judges12

Israel had just won a great battle, but instead of joy , there was pettiness and quareling. The tribe of Ephraim was angry and jealous that they were not invited to join in the fighting (although Jephthah said he had invited them).
The insults of the Ephraimites enraged Jephthah, who called out his troops and killed 42000 men from Ephraim.
Jephthah usually spoke before he acted, but this time his revenge was swift. It cost Israel dearly, and it might have been avoided. Insulting others and being jealous are not right responses when we feel left out. But seeking revenge for an insult is just as wrong and very costly.

Jumat, 01 Juli 2016

Great Potential is Wasted Because of Prejudice.. Judges11

Circumtance beyond his control forced Jephthah away from his people and into life as an outcast. Today both believers and nonbelievers may drive away those who do not fit the norms dictated by our society. Often, as in Jephthah's case , great potential is wasted because of prejudice--a refusal to look beyond ill-conceived stereotypes. Look around you to see if there are potential Jephthah being kept out due to factors beyond their control.
As a Christian, you know that everyone can have a place in God's family. Can you do anything to help these people gain acceptancefor their character and abilities? 
Jephthah sent messenger to the Ammonite king wanting to know why the Israelites in the land of gilead were being attacked. The king replied that Israel had stolen his land and he wanted it back.
Jephthah sent another message to the king. In it gave three arguments againts the king claim's;
1) Gilead was never the king's land in the first place because Israel took it from the Amorites, not the Ammonites
2) Israel should possess the land given by Osrael God , Ammon should possess land given by Ammon's god
3) No one had contested Israel's ownership of the land since its conquest 300 years earlier.
To Jephthah's credit, he tried to solve the problem without bloodshed. But king of Ammon ignored his message and preparedhis troops for battle.

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Why God Was not Punish Evil Sooner?.. Judges9

Abimelech was the opposite of what God wanted in a judge, but it was three years before God moved against him, fulfilling Jotham's parable. Those three years must have seemed like forever to Jotham. Why wasnt Abimelech punished sooner for his evil ways?
We are not alone when we wonder why evil seems prevail. God promise to deal with sin, but in HIS time, not ours. Actually it is good news that God doesnt punish us immediately because we all have sinned and deserve God's punishment. God, in HIS mercy, often spares us from immediate punishment and allows us time to turn from our sins and turn to HIM in repentance.
Trusting God for justice means ; We must first recognize our own sins and repent, and we may face a difficult time of waiting for wicked to be punished. But in God's time, all evil will be destroyed

Jumat, 10 Juni 2016

Take Time to Anticipate How Good Idea Might Lead to a Potential Problem.. Judges8

Gideon probably had good motives for making the ephod. Unfortunately, the people began to worship the ephod as an idol. Sadly, many decisions that stem from good motives produce negative results. Perhaps no one stops to ask , "what might go wrong?" in your plans & decisions, take time to anticipate how good idea might lead to a potential problem.
This relationship between Gideon and a concubine produced a son who tore apart Gideon's family and caused tragedy for the nation. Gideon's story illustrates the fact that heroes in battle are not always heroes in daily life. Gideon led the nation but could not lead his family. 
No matter who you are, moral laxness will cause problems, just because you have won a single batlle with temptation does not mean you will automatically win the next one. We need to be constantly watchful againts temptation. Sometimes satan's strongest attacks come after a victory

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Demanding Extra Sign was an Indication of Unbelief.. Judges6

Was Gideon testing God, or was he simply asking God for more encouragement? In either case, though his motive was right (to obey God and defeat the enemy), his method was less than ideal. Gideon seems to have known that his requests might displease God, and yet he demanded two miracles, even after witnessing the miraculous fire from the rock.
It is true that to make good decisions, we need facts. Gideon had all the facts, but still he hestitated. He delayed obeying God because he wanted even more proof.
Demanding extra signs was an indication of unbelief. Fear often makes us wait for more conformation when we should be taking action. Visible sign are unnecessary if they only confirm what we already know is true.
Today the greatest means of God's guidance is HIS Word, the Bible. Unlike Gideon, we have complete , revealed Word. If you want to have more of God's guidance, dont ask for signs, study the Bible.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

Call on God in every Situation.. Judges 6

Again the Isrealites hit rock bottom before turning back to God. How much suffering they could have avoided if they had trusted HIM! 
Turning to God shouldnt be a last resort; we should look to HIM for help each day. This isnt to say life will always be easy. There will be struggles, but God will give us the strength to live through them. Dont wait until youre at the end of your rope. Call on God in every situation.

Selasa, 19 April 2016

Was Barak Cowardly or just in need of Support? .. Judges4

We dont know Barak's character, but we see the character of a great leader in Deborah, who took charge as God directed. Deborah told Barak that God would be with him in battle, but that was not enough for Barak. He wanted Deborah to go with him. Barak's request shows that at heart he trusted human strength more than God's promise. 
A person of real faith steps out at God's command, even if he or she must do so alone.
How dis Deborah command such respect? She was responsible for leading the people into battle, but more than that, she influenced them to live for God after the battle was over. Her personality drew people together and commanded the respect of even Barak, a military general. She was also a prophet, whose main role was to encourage the people to obey God. Those who lead must not forget about the spiritual condition of those being led. A true leader is concerned for persons not just success

Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Craving for Power and Love of Money.. Judges5

War was the inevitable result when Israel chose to follow false gods. Although God had given Israel clear directions, the people failed to put HIS Words into practice. Without God at the centre of their life, pressure from the outside soon became greater than power from within, and they were an easy prey, for their enemies, if you are letting a desire for recognition, craving for power, or love of money rule your life, you may find yourself besiege by enemies--stress, anxiety, illness, fatigue. Keep God at the centre of your life, and you will have the power you need to fight these destroyers

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Develop Your Faith and Obedience.. Judges3

Enemy nations were still in the land because the Israelites had failed to obey God and drive them out. Now God would allow the enemies to remain an order to test the Israelites, that is, to give them an opportunity to exercise faith and obedience. By now the younger generation that had not fought in the great battles of conquest was coming of age. It was their job to complete the conquest of the land. There were many obstacles would be a test of their faith.
Perhaps God has left obstacles in your life--hostile people, difficult situations, baffling problems--to allow you to develop faith and obedience.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

Idol is not Creator because it created by human.. Judges2

God often saved HIS harshest criticism and punishment for those who worshiped idols. Why were idols so bad in God's sight? To worship an idol violated the first two of the Ten commandment. The Canaanites had gods for almost every season, activity, or place. To them, the Lord was just another god to add to their collection of gods. Israel by contrast, was to worship only the Lord. They could not possibly believe that God was the one true God and at the same time bow to an idol. Idol worshipers could not see their god as their creator because they created it. These idols represent sensual, carnal, and immoral aspects of human nature. God's nature is spiritual and moral. Adding the worship of idols to the worship of God could not be tolerated.
Despite Israel's disobedience, God showed HIS great mercy by raising up judges to save the people from their oppressors. Mercy has been defined as" not giving a person what he or she deserves" this is exactly what God did for Israel and what HE does for us. Our disobedience demands judment! But God show mercy toward us by providing an escape from sin's penalty through Jesus Christ, who alone saves us from sin. When we pray for forgiveness, we are asking for what we do not deserve. Yet when we take this step and trust in Christ's saving work on our behalf, we can experience God's forgiveness.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

The Cycle of Sin.. Judges2

One generation died, and the next didnt follow God. Book of Judges is a brief preview of the cycle of sin, judgment, and repentance that Israel experienced again and again. Each generation failed to teach the next generation to love and follow God. Yet this was at the very center of God's law. It is tempting to leave the job of teaching the Christian faith to the church or Christian school. Yet God says that the responsibility for this task belongs primarily to the family. Because children learn so much by our example, the home offers the most effective place to pass on the faith to the next generation.
Baal was the god of storm and rains; therefore, he was thought to control vegetation and agriculture. Ashtoreth was the mother goddes of love, war, fertility. Temple prostitution and child sacrifice were a partof the worship of these Canaanite idols. This generation of Israelites abandoned the faith of their parents and began worshiping the gods of their neighbors. Many things can tempt us to abandon what we know is right. The desire to be accepted by our neighbors can lead us into behavior that is unacceptable to God. Dont be lulled into compromised or pressured into disobedient

Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Partial Obedience Equal Disobedient.. Judges1

The maiming of Adoni-bezek was one example in a long string of actions that demonstrated Israel tendency to disobey God's instructions by only giving partial obedience. 
Enemy kings weresupposed to be executed, not humiliated. This defeated king recognized God's righteous punishment more clearly than God's people acknowledged God's commandss. 
When we understand what God tells us to do, we run great danger if we dont carry out both the letter andthe spirit of HIS words.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2016

Acknowledges God as Your Commander.. Judges1

Through God strength, the Israelites had conquered many enemies and overcome many difficulties but their work was not yet finished. they had effectively met many political and military challenges, but facing spiritual challenges was more difficult. the Israelites gave in to the pressure and compromised their faith. if we attempt to meet life challenges with human effort alone, we will find the pressure and temptations around us too great to resist .
Soon after Joshua died, Israel began to lose its firm grip on the land. Although Joshua was a great commander, the people missed his spiritual leadership even more than his military skill, for he had kept the people focused on God and HIS purposes.
During this crisis of leadership, Israel had to learn that no matter how powerful and wise the current leader was, their real leader was God. We often focus our hope and confidence on some influential leader, failing to realize that in reality it is God who is command.
Acknowledge God as your commander in chief, and avoid the temptation of relying too heavily on human leaders, regardless of their spiritual wisdom.