Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Keselamatan Adalah Untuk Semua Orang.. Roma10

Sebab Kristus adalah kegenapan hukum Taurat, sehingga kebenaran diperoleh tiap-tiap orang yang percaya.
Sebab Musa menulis tentang kebenaran karena hukum Taurat: "Orang yang melakukannya, akan hidup karenanya."
Tetapi kebenaran karena iman berkata demikian: "Jangan katakan di dalam hatimu: Siapakah akan naik ke sorga?", yaitu: untuk membawa Yesus turun,
atau: "Siapakah akan turun ke jurang maut?", yaitu: untuk membawa Kristus naik dari antara orang mati.
Tetapi apakah katanya? Ini: "Firman itu dekat kepadamu, yakni di dalam mulutmu dan di dalam hatimu." Itulah firman iman, yang kami beritakan.
Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan, dan percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan.
Karena dengan hati orang percaya dan dibenarkan, dan dengan mulut orang mengaku dan diselamatkan.
Karena Kitab Suci berkata: "Barangsiapa yang percaya kepada Dia, tidak akan dipermalukan."
Sebab tidak ada perbedaan antara orang Yahudi dan orang Yunani. Karena, Allah yang satu itu adalah Tuhan dari semua orang, kaya bagi semua orang yang berseru kepada-Nya.
Sebab, barangsiapa yang berseru kepada nama Tuhan, akan diselamatkan.
Tetapi bagaimana mereka dapat berseru kepada-Nya, jika mereka tidak percaya kepada Dia? Bagaimana mereka dapat percaya kepada Dia, jika mereka tidak mendengar tentang Dia. Bagaimana mereka mendengar tentang Dia, jika tidak ada yang memberitakan-Nya?
Dan bagaimana mereka dapat memberitakan-Nya, jika mereka tidak diutus? Seperti ada tertulis: "Betapa indahnya kedatangan mereka yang membawa kabar baik!"

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

The Message is Very Close at Hand; It Is On Your Lips and In Your Heart.. Deu30

God has called us to keep HIS commands, while reminding us that HIS laws are not hidden from us or beyond our reach. Have you ever said you would obey God if you only knew what HE wanted? Have you ever complained that obedience is too difficult for a mere human? These are unacceptable excuses.
God's laws are written in the Bible and are clearly evident in the world around us. Obeying them is reasonable, sensible, and beneficial. The most difficult part of obeying God's laws is simply deciding to start now. (Rom10)
Moses challenged Israel to choose life, to obey God. And therefore to continue to experience HIS blessings. God doesnt force HIS will on anyone. HE lets us decide whether to follow HIM or reject HIM. 
This decision, however, is a life-or-death matter. God wants us to realize this, for HE would like us all to choose life. Daily, in each new situation, we must affirm and reinforce this commitment.

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

A Call to Return to The Lord.. Deu30

Moses told the Hebrews that when they were ready to return to God, HE would be ready to receive them. God's mercy is unbelieveable. It goes far beyond what we can imagine. Even if the Jews delibarety walked away from HIM and ruined their live, God would still take them back. God would give them inward spiritual renewal. 
God wants to forgive us and brings us back to HIMself, too. Some people will not learn this until their world has crashed in around them. Then the sorrow and pain seem to open their eyes to what God had saying all along.
Are you seperated from God by sin? No matter how far you have wandered, God promises a fresh beginning if only you will turn to HIM.

Uproot the Seeds of sin.. Deu29

Moses cautioned that the day the Hebrews chose to turn from God, a root would be planted that would produce bitter and poisonous fruit (Heb12). 
When we decide to do what we know is wrong, we plant an evil seed that begins to grow out of control, eventually yielding a crop of sorrow and pain. But we can prevent those seeds of sin from taking root. 
If you have done something wrong, confess it to God and others immediately. If the seed never finds fertile soil, its bitter fruit will never ripen.

Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Knowing God's Word is Not Enough;We Must Obey It.. Deu28

If you refuse to obey all the words , and if you dont fear the glorious and awesome God, then The Lord will overwhelm you and your children with indescribable plagues. The Lord will scatter you among all the nations, there you will wordship foreign gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods made of wood and stone!
There you will find no peace or place to rest. Your life will constantly hang in the balance. You will live night and day in fear, unsure if you will survive. In the morning you will say"if only it were night! And in the evening you will say "if only it were morning!
There you will offer to sell yourselves to your enemies as slaves, but no one will buy you.

Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Curses for Disobedience.. Deu28

One of the curses for those who rejected God was that they would go mad from seeing all the tragedy around them. Do you ever feel that you will go crazy if you hear about one more rape, kidnapping, murder, or war? Much of the world's evil is a result of people's failure to acknowledge and serve God.
When you hear bad news, dont groan helplessly as do unbelievers who have no hope for the future. Remind yourself that in spite of it all, God has ultimate control and will one day come back to make everything right.

Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

You Must not Muzzle an Ox to Keep it From Eating as it Treads out The Grain.. Deu25

Oxen were often used to tread out the grain on a threshing floor. The animal was attached by poles to a large millstone. As it walked around the millstone, its hooves trampled the grain, separating the kernels from the chaff. At the same time, the millstone groung the grain into flour.
To muzzle the ox would prevent it from eating while it was working. Paul used this illustration in the new Testament to argue that people productive in Christian work should not be denied its benefits--they should receive financial support. (1Cor9 / 1Tim5)
The fact that a person is in Christian ministry doesnt mean he or she should be unfairly paid. There is also a broader application; dont be stingy with those who workfor you.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

Dealing with a rebellious son.. Deu21

Disobedient and rebellious children were to be brought before the elders of the city and stoned to death. There is no biblical or archaeological evidence that this punishment was ever carried out, but the point was that disobedience and rebellion were not to be tolerated in the home or allowed to continue unchecked.
This principles must never be used to justify or overlook abuse or harsh treatment of children. While firm guidance may be needed with strong consequences for disobedient, the Bible does not condone physical, verbal, or emotional abuse of children.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Ensnare by the lust and mamon.. Deu17

Israel's kings did not heed this warning, and their behavior led to their downfall. 
Solomon had everything going for HIM, but when he became rich, built up a large army, and married many wives, his heart turned from God (1Kings 11). 
Out of Solomon's sin came Israel's disobedience, division, and captivity.

Clean or Unclean.. Deu14

Why was Israel forbidden to eat certain food? There are several reasons;
1) Predatory animals ate the blood of other animals, and scavengers ate dead animals. Because the people couldnt eat blood or animals they found dead, they couldnt eat animals that did these things either.
2) Some forbidden animals had bad associations in the Israelite culture just as bats, snakes, and spiders do for some people today. Some may have been used in pagan religious practices. To the Israelites, the unclean animals represented si or unhealthy habits.
3) Perhaps some restrictions were given to Israel just to remind them continually that they were a different and seperate people commited to God. Although we no longer must follow these laws about food (Act 10), we can still learn from them the lesson that holiness is to be carried into all parts of life. 

We cant restrict holiness only to the spiritual side, we must be holy in the everyday practical part of life as well. Health practices, finances, use of leisure--all provide oppurtunities to put holy living into daily living.

A Warning against Idolatry.. Deu13

Attractive leaders arent always led by God. Moses warned Israelites against false prophets who encouraged worship of other gods. New ideas from inspiring people may sound good, but we must judge them by whether or not they are consistent with God's Word.
When people claim to speak for God today, check them in this areas: are they telling the truth? Is their focus on God? Are their words consistent with what you already know to be true? 
Some people speak truth while directing you toward God, but others speak persuasively while directing you toward themselves. It is even possible to say the right words but still lead people in the wrong direction.
God is not against new ideas, but HE is for discernment. When your hear a new, attractive idea, examine it carefully before getting too excited. False prophets are still around today. The wise person will carefully test ideas against the truth of God's Word.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

A Call to Love and Obedience.. Deu10

What does The Lord your God require of you?
HE requires only that you fear The Lord you God, and live in a way that pleases HIM and serve HIM with all your heart and soul . And you must always obey the Lord's commands and decrees that i'm giving you today for your own good.
Look, the highest heavens and the earth and everything in it all belong to the Lord your God. Yet The Lord chose your ancestors as the object of HIS Love. And HE chose you, their descendents above all other nations, as is evident today. therefore, change your hearts and stop being stubborn.
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords. HE is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. HE ensure that orphans and widows receive justice. HE shows love to foreigners living among you and give them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to the foreigners, for you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Eygpt. You must fear the Lord your God and wordship HIM and cling to HIM.