Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

People dont live by the bread alone, rather we Live by the Word of God.. Deu8

Jesus quoted this verse when the devil tempted HIM to turn stones into bread. Many people think that life is based on satisfying their appetites. 
If they can earn enough money to dress, eat, and play in high style, they think they are living 'the good life'. But such things dont satisfy our deepest longings. In the end they leave us empty and dissatisfied.
Real life, according to Moses, comes from total commitment to God and living by every Word that comes from HIM. 
How can we live by HIS Word? 
1) Recognize our need for it
2) Agree that God alone can truly satisfy us
3) Pray for God's presence, wisdom, and direction as we read
4) Savor the relationship you have with HIM through Christ
5) Pratice what HE teaches you

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