Minggu, 29 Januari 2017

Jealousy One Step Short of Murder.. 1Sam18

Saul's appreciation for David turned to jealousy as people began to applaud David's exploits. In a jealous rage, Saul attempted to murder David by hurling his spear at him. Jealousy may not seem to be a major sin, but in reality , it is one step short of murder. Jealousy start as you resent a rival, it leads you to your wishing he or she removed, then it manifest itself in your seeking ways to harm that person in word or action.
Beware of letting jealousy get a foothold in your life.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2017

What Made David Effective... 1Sam17

David was able to move faster than Goliath because David Carried no weapons or armor. David was expert marksman with a sling, and as he advanced on Goliath, he stayed out of range of Goliath's huge weapon. What made David effective, however, was more than his ability with a sling, it was his courage and his faith in God. To fight like David we need David's kind of fearlessness. David had grown strong in his confidence by trusting God when he had encountered wild animals while guarding his father's sheep.
When you face towering problems, recall how God has helped you in the past. Take heart because God goves you strength. Use the skills God has already given you and move forward.