Selasa, 19 April 2016

Was Barak Cowardly or just in need of Support? .. Judges4

We dont know Barak's character, but we see the character of a great leader in Deborah, who took charge as God directed. Deborah told Barak that God would be with him in battle, but that was not enough for Barak. He wanted Deborah to go with him. Barak's request shows that at heart he trusted human strength more than God's promise. 
A person of real faith steps out at God's command, even if he or she must do so alone.
How dis Deborah command such respect? She was responsible for leading the people into battle, but more than that, she influenced them to live for God after the battle was over. Her personality drew people together and commanded the respect of even Barak, a military general. She was also a prophet, whose main role was to encourage the people to obey God. Those who lead must not forget about the spiritual condition of those being led. A true leader is concerned for persons not just success

Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Craving for Power and Love of Money.. Judges5

War was the inevitable result when Israel chose to follow false gods. Although God had given Israel clear directions, the people failed to put HIS Words into practice. Without God at the centre of their life, pressure from the outside soon became greater than power from within, and they were an easy prey, for their enemies, if you are letting a desire for recognition, craving for power, or love of money rule your life, you may find yourself besiege by enemies--stress, anxiety, illness, fatigue. Keep God at the centre of your life, and you will have the power you need to fight these destroyers