Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Are We Seeing God's Favor As Only An Ingredient Of The Good Life?.. 1Sam6

Dagon was the chief god of the philistines, whom they believe sent rain and assure a bountiful harvest. But the Philistines, like most of their pagan neighbors, worshiped many gods. The more gods they could have on their side, the more secure they felt. That was why they wanted the Ark, thinking that if it helped the Israelites, it could help them too. But when the people living nearby began to get sock and die, the Philistines realized that the Ark was not a good omen. It was a source of greater power than they ever seen--power they could not control.
The Philistines acknowledged the existence of the Hebrew god, but only as one of many deities whose favor they sought. Thinking of God in this way made it easy for them to ignore HIS demand that people worship HIM alone. 
Many people "worship" God this way. They see God as just one ingredient in a successful life. But God is far more than an ingredient--HE is the source of life itself. Are you a "Philistine" seeing God's favor as only an ingredient of the good life?

Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Dont let your desire cause you to neglect you family.. 1Sam3

Eli had spent his entire life in service to God. His responsibility was to eversee all the worship in Israel. But in pursuing this great mission he neglected the responsibilities in his own home. Dont let your desire to do God's work cause you to neglect your family. If you do, your mission may degenerate into a quest for personal importance, and your family will suffer the consequences of your neglect.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Ignoring the sins.. 1Sam2

Eli's sons took advantage of their position to satisfy their lust for power, possessions, and control. Eli knew that his sons were evil, but he did little to correct or stop them, even when the integrity of God's sanctuary was threatened. As the high priest, Eli should have responded by executing his sons. No wonder he chose not to confront the situation. But by ignoring their selfish actions, Eli let his sons ruin their own lives and others. 
There was time when serious problems must be confronted, even if the process and consequences could be painful.
Eli's son knew better, but they continued to disobey God deliberatelty by cheating, seducing, and robbing the people. Therefore, God planned to kill them. Any sin is wrong, but sin carried out deliberately and deceitfully is the worst kind. When sin carried out ignorance, we deserve punishment. But when we sin intentionally, the consequences will be more severe. Dont ignore God's warnings about sin. Abandon sin before it become a way of life.
Eli had a difficult time rearing his sons. He apparently didnt take any strong diciplinary action with them when he became aware of their wrongdoing. But Eli wasnt just a father trying to handle his rebellious sons, he was the high priest ignoring the sins of priest under his jurisdiction. As a result, the Lord took the necessaray disciplinary action that Eli wont.
Eli was guilty of honoring his sons above God by letting them continue in their sinful ways. Is there a situation in you life, family, or work that you allow to continue even though you know it is wrong? If so, you may become as guilty as those engaged in the wrong act.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

God is all-knowing and Judge all sin and pride.. 1Sam2

No doubt as Hannah said these words, she was thinking of Peninnah's arrogance and chiding. Hannah didnt have to get even with Peninnah, she knew that God is all-knowing and that HE will judge all sin and pride. Hannah wisely left judgment up to God.
Resist the temptation to take justice into your own hands. God will weigh your deeds as well as the deeds of those who have wronged you.
Because we live in a world where evil abounds and where war and terrorism always threaten, we may forget that God as 1) Solid as a Rock, 2) The One who knows what we do 3) Sovereign over all the affairs of people 4) The Supreme Judge who administers perfect justice.
Remembering God's sovereign control helps us put both world and personal events in perspective.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

God is Always Present.. 1Sam2

Hannah praised God for HIS answer to her prayer for a son. The theme of her poetic prayer is her confidence in God's sovereignty and her thankfulness for everything HE had done. We should be confident of God's ultimate control over the events in our lives, and we should be thankful for the ways God has blessed us. By praising God for all good gift, we acknowledge HIS ultimate control over all the affairs of life.
Hannah praised God for being a Rock-firm, strong, and unchanging. In our fast-paced world, friends come and go, and circumtances change. Its difficult to find a solid foundation that will not change. Those who devote their lives to achievements, causes, or possessions have as their secutiry that which is finite and changeable. The possessions that work so hard to obtain will all pass away. But God is always present. Hope in HIM, HE will never fail.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

The Antidote for Discouragement.. 1Sam1

Earlier Hannah had been discouraged to the point of being physically sick and unable to eat. At this point, she returned home well and happy. The change in her attitude may be attributed to three factors
1) she honestly prayed to God
2) she received encouragement from Eli
3) she resolved to leave the problem with God
This is the antidote for discouragement; tell God how you really feel and leave your problem with HIM. Then rely upon the support of good friends and counselors.
To do what she promised, Hannah gave up what she wanted most-her son-and presented him to Eli to serve in the house of the Lord. In dedicating her only son to God, Hannah was dedicating her entire life and future to God. Because Samuel's life was from God, Hannha wasnot really giving him up. Rather, she was returning him to God, who had given Samuel to Hannah in the first place. These verses illustrate the kinds of gifts we should give to God. Do your gifts cost you a little ( sunday mornings, a comfortable tithe) , or are they gifts of sacrifice? are you presenting God with tokens, or are you presenting HIM with your entire life?

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Enjoy The Loving Relationships God Has Given-Exchange Selfpity for Hope.. 1Sam1

Hannah knew her husband loved her, but even his encouragement could not comfort her. She could not keep listening to Peninnah's jeers and letting Peninnah words erode her self confidence. Although we can not keep others from unjustly criticizing us, we can choose how we will react to their hurtful words. Rather than dwelling upon our problems, we can enjoy the loving relationships God has given us. By doing so, we can exchange self-pity for hope.
Hannah had good reason to feel discouraged and bitter. She was unable to bear children; she shared her husband with a woman who ridiculed her; her loving husband could not solve her problem; and even the high priest misunderstood her motives. But instead of retaliating or giving up hope, Hannah prayed. She brought her problem honestly before God.
Each of us may face times of barrenness when nothing 'comes to birth' in our work, service, or relationships, it is dificult to pray in faith when we feel so ineffective. But as Hannah discovered, prayer opens the way for God to work.

Why did Polygamy Exist among God's People?.. 1Sam1

Although many great Old Testament leaders had more than one wife, this was not original intention for marriage (two people become one flesh). Why did the polygamy exist among God's people? First, it was to produce more offspring to helpin a man's work to assure the continuation of a man's family line. Second, in societies where many young men killed in battle, polygamy became an accepted way of supporting women who otherwise would have remained unmarriage and very likely, destitute. Nevertheless, polygamy often caused serious family problems, as we see in this story of Hannah and Peninnah.
Part of God's plan for Hannah involved postponing her years of childbearing. While Peninnah and Elkanah looked at Hannah's outward circumstances. God was moving ahead with HIS plan. Think of those in your world who are struggling with God's timing in answering their prayer and who need your love and help. By supporting those who are struggling, you may help them remain steadfast in their faith and confident in HIS timing to bring fulfillment to their lives.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

Even in Our Sorrow and Calamity, God can Bring Great Blessings.. Ruth

There was almost nothing worse than being a widow in the ancient world. Widows were taken advantage of or ignored. There were almost always poverty stricken. God's law therefore, provided that the nearest relative of the dead husband should care for the widow.
Naomi had experienced severe hardships. She had left Israel married and secure; she returned widowed and poor. Naomi had felt bitter , but her faith in God was still alive, and she praised God for Boaz's kindness to Ruth. In her sorrow she still trusted God and acknowledges HIS goodness.
Ruth's love for her mother in law was known and recognized throughout the town. God's preparations for the births of David and of Jesus, the promised Mesias. Just as Ruth was unaware of this larger purpose in her life, we will not know the full purpose and importance of our lives. 
Live in the faithfulness to God, knowing that the significance of your life will extend beyond you lifetime. The rewards will outweigh any sacrifice you may have made.

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

They Justified Wrong Actions to Correct Past Mistakes.. Judges 20

Perhaps the leader of the tribe of Benjamin had been given distorted facts about the serious crime in their territory, or perhaps they were too proud to admit that some of their people had stooped so low. In either case, they would not listen to the rest of Israel and hand over the accused criminals. They were more loyal to their own tribe than to God's law.
By covering for their kinsmen, the entire tribe of Benjamin sank to a level of immorality as low as that of the criminals. Through this act, we get a glimpse of how thoroughly the nation's moral fabric had unraveled. The time period of the judges ends in a bloody civil war that sets the stages for the spiritual renewal to come under Samuel.
The Israelites moved from one mess to another. Because of a rash vow made in the heat of emotion, here they destroyed another town. The Israelites probably justified their action with the following argument:
1) an oath could not be broken
2) because all the women from Benjamin had been killed, the few remaining men needed wives to prevent the tribe from disappearing. To spare the unmarried women from Jabesh-Gilead seemed the right solution.
We donot know all the circumtances behind the brutal massacre at Jabesh-gilead, but it seems that the rest of Israel followed Benjamin pattern. They put tribal loyalties above God's commands, and they justified wrong actions to correct past mistakes.

when social protocol carries more authority than moral convictions!.. Judges19

Nowhere is the unwritten law of hospitality stronger than in the Middle East. Protecting a guest at any cost ranked at the top of a man's code of honor. But here the hospitality code turned to fanaticism. The rape and abuse of a daughter and companion were preferable to the possibility of a conflict between a guest and a neighbor.
The two men were selfish (they didnt want to get hurt themself); they lack courage (they didnt want to face a conflict even when lives were at stake); and they disobeyed God's law (they allowed deliberate abuse and murder). What Drastic consequences can result when social protocol carries more authority than moral convictions!

Is it True that wealth, pupolarity, or lack of suffering is an Indication of God's Blessing.. Judges18

Micah made idols and hired a priest to run his personal religion. When the men of Dan took his idols and priest, nothing remained. What an empty spiritual condition! An idols is anything that takes God's place in a person's life. Some people invest all their energy in pursuit of money, success, possessions, or a career. If these idols are taken away, only an empty shell is left.
The only way to protect yourself against such loss is to invest your life in the living God, whom you can never lose.
Just because the Danites successfully defeated Laish doesnt mean their action were right. Their idolatry showed that God wasnt guiding them. Today many justify their wrong actions by outward signs of successs. They think that wealth, pupolarity. Or lack of suffering is an indication of God's blessing. But many stories in the Bible indicate that evil and earthly success can go hand in hand.
Success doesnt indicate God's approval. Dont allow personal success to become a measuring rod of whether or not you are pleasing God.

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2016

Dating the Church.. Judges18

Apparently the israelites no longer supported the priests and levites with their tithes because so many of the people no longer worship God. The young Levite probably left his home in Bethlehem because not enough money. But israel's moral decay effected even the priest, this levite accepted money, idols, and position in a way that was inconsistent with God's laws. 
Through this entire incident, no one desired to worship God; instead they wanted to use God for selfish gain. Today some people go to church to feel better, be accepted, relieve guilt, and gain business contacts or friend.