Senin, 07 November 2016

Why Sometimes Ungodly People Win Battles?.. 1Sam14

Why was Saul so successful right after he had disobeyed God and been told that his reign would end. Sometimes ungodly people win the battles. Victory is neither guaranteed nor limited to the righteous. God provides according to HIS will. God might have given Saul success for the sake of the people, not for Saul. HE may have left Saul on the throne for a while to utilize his military talents so that David, Israel's next king, could spend more time focusing on the nation's spiritual battles. Regardless of God's reasons for delaying Saul's demise, his reign ended exactly the way God had foretold. The timing of God's plans and promises id known only to HIM. Our task is to commit our ways to God and then trust HIM for the outcome.

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