Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Why me? Why not me? .. 1The1

The message of salvation, though welcomed with great joy, brought the Thessalonians severe suffering because it led to persecution.
Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, "why me?" they feel as though God deserted them, or perhaps they accuse him of not being as dependable as they thought he should be.
God allows some Christian to become martyrs for the faith, & HE allows others to survive persecution. Rather than asking, "why me?" we should ask, "why not me?" our faith & the values of this world are on a collision course . 
If we expect pain & suffering to come, we wont be shocked when they occur. We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus also suffered. HE understands our fears, our weaknesses, and our disappointments.
HE promised never to leaves us, and HE intercedes on our behalf. In times of pain, persecution, or suffering, trust confidently in Christ.

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